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" Mhmm" I groan at the feeling of my head pounding
What the hell happened
I look over seeing that I'm laying in bed with Aubrey. I see that she has no shirt on. I peek under the covers and I see that she is butt ass naked.
And guess what? So am I
" Aubrey wake up" I shake up frantically. Lord please tell me we didn't have sex
Of course y'all did Naomi. People just don't lay in the bed naked together....Well maybe but that's not the point
I continue to shake her but she won't budge.
"AUBREY!!" I yell and she jumps up
" What...what happened" she says looking around then her eyes land on me.
"Are you...." she trails off looking me up and down
" Yep and you are too" I say. I get up and start putting my clothes on in a hurry
"What are you doing" she asks standing up
" I'm about to leave" I say with an attitude.
" Wait why. What's wrong? Everything was good yesterday" She grabs my arm
" Bre this wasn't suppose to happen. We were suppose to move slow. Not after one day you get back we start fucking" I say and she shakes her head
" Nai you acting like you didn't contribute in this too" she says with a mug
I watch her as she threw on some shorts and a tank top
" I know I did. And that's the thing I didn't want it to happen this fast" I say
" So what are you tryna say? I forced you" she says furrowing her eyebrow
Omg here she go with this assuming shit.
" No Aubrey, I didn't mean it like that" i roll my eyes
" Well shit that's what you making it seem like" she walks closer
" Omfg Bre I didn't want it to happen so fast. I know I played a part in it. Yes we were drunk. I just regret it happening so quickly. We haven't seen each other in months and now you get back and we vibe the first thing we do is fuck. I wanted us to get back to normal Aubrey" I explain and she chuckles
" Okay, I understand that. But everything could've been normal while I was gone if you would've answered my calls and messages so we could talk." She says and I scoff
" I was scared Aubrey. What do you expect me to do when a person I've known my entire life just kisses me. I was catching feelings and that was scary. I didn't respond to your calls or texts because I knew if I did then I would be committing to those feelings. So please do not put this on me when you don't know how I felt these few months" I say
I'm done going back and fourth with her. I grab my phone and put on my shoes
" But it was okay to put the blame on me though" she says
" You know what Aubrey I done talking to your stubborn, inconsiderate ass. I'm about to leave. " I let our a dry chuckle and walk out the hotel room.
While I was only my way to the lobby I called an Uber.
"Hey baby, did you have fun last night" my mom asks me (lauren)
" Yea it was nice" I reply in a monotone
" Nugget what's wrong?" She asks worriedly
"Nothing mama I'm fine, I'm just having a ruff morning" I give her a reassuring smile
" Ahhh you have a hangover. I remember when I was 17. I used to sneak in the house at night so your grandma wouldn't hear me." She chuckles
" She ended up catching you didn't she" I asked smiling
" Yea but I had to play it off like I was getting some water. It was dark in the house so she couldn't see what I had on. She was a very strict lady. I don't want to be like that on you. " she says
" Thanks for not being like that. It's not like I would do anything anyway" I say shrugging
" I know. But go upstairs and wash up. I'll have a Tylenol and water sitting on your dresser. I cooked breakfast earlier before your mama left for work. It's some in the microwave " she tells me and kisses my cheek
" Okay ma" I say and walk upstairs
I look at my phone seeing missed calls from Aubrey.
I don't have time for this
I know it's been forever🤣 This book will have slow updates