~ A Different Love Story ~

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Hello readers! This greatly made story is by my best friend, Mary. It's a Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) story, so if you don't like boy love please leave. This may be a once in a while thing where she writes so don't expect a lot of Hamilton related content here unless she makes anything! And lastly, enjoy! 

"I don't have time to worry about love, John." Alex complains as he hits send on the email he had opened. 

Alexander Hamilton was one of the most prestigious lawyers in New York, he worked under the Senator George Washington. Technically, Washington was his father. On a trip to Nevis, Washington had met Alex's mother Rachel Faucett Buck, it was a short lived affair, and Washington had left behind the small island to return to America. What he didn't know was that he had also left behind a son, Rachel hadn't known at the time that she was pregnant and when she discovered it, she couldn't figure out how to get a message to Washington. When Rachel had died, Alex was passed around the foster system until they discovered that he was Washington's son.

Now 24 years old, Alexander was one of the best lawyers in New York and despite what it might seem like, who his father was had no impact on his progression. 

"Come on, Alex," John whined, "Look at you! You're one of the best looking people in New York! You're rich, famous, and young! Who wouldn't want you?" Right, John was trying to convince him to get a romantic life. 

John was Alex's best friend, had been since high school, but he was also more focused on emotions than work, unlike Hamilton.

Alex sighed, "Well John, what would you have me do? Just waltz outside and pick up the first person I see?" John's eyes lit up, and Alex knew that by giving in just a little he had just made a very very bad decision.

"Of course not!" Alex waited for the but. "BUT!" There it is. "I have already set you up on a blind date this Saturday!" Alex stopped moving folders and did a double take.

"You what now?"

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll have fun! Dress nice! He's picking you up at 6:30!"

"WAIT A SECOND, JOHN LAURENS!!" But John was already out the door.

Alex snapped his jaw shut. He was going to strangle John, how did he know that he was free this Saturday? He could have had plans.

As if on cue, the door peeks open a crack and John sticks his head through, "And don't even try to say that you have plans, you left your planner open on your desk." Alex threw a folder at the door a tad bit too late, John had already shut the door and Alex could hear him running down the hall.

Sighing Alex walked over to pick up the scattered papers. I guess I have a date Saturday, I wonder who he set me up with.


Thomas Jefferson stares at his best friend. "What now?"

"You have a date this Saturday. Be prepared, you're picking him up at 6:30, don't be late."

Thomas blinked, "James, what the hell?"

James sighed, "Look, Tommy," Jefferson hated that nickname, " I'm tired of seeing you sitting in an office all day! You need to get out! Get a life."

Thomas was a well known architect who was flourishing in New York. He had started his career in Virgina, helping to design his own house, and from there it had grown into a full time career. James Madison had been his best friend since diapers, they were both from fairly well off families in the South.

James had been trying to set him up on dates for a while but this was a whole new level. How James even knew that he had Saturday off was a mystery to him, and if James had any say, it would remain one.

~ It's A Date ~ Jamilton AU ~Where stories live. Discover now