Chapter 6

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Yamaguchi's POV

I walk into the changing room and change. I walk into the gym to see Kageyama and Hinata bickering. They're hilarious. Someone who I don't see is Tsukishima. Mostly everyone's here. I was running a bit late but practice hasn't started yet. That's weird. Usually Tsukishima is never late. He's always on time.

I walk over to Kageyama and Hinata.

"Boke Hinata boke!" Kageyama screams at Hinata. I start to laugh. When they hear me they stop fighting and rush over to me.

"Are you ok Yams?" "What happened? What did he do?" They both start to scream questions at me. Everyone else in the gym is staring at us. What a way to start my morning.

"Guys give him some space to breathe," Daichi says while he grabs the back of their shirt collars and drags them away. Jeez, sometimes those guys can be a bit too intense.

"Are you ok Yamaguchi?" Suga asks me gently. I nod my head yes since I don't trust my voice at the moment. It's funny how three words can break the dam of emotions you're trying to bottle up from the world.

Thankfully no one tried to force anything out of me so we started practice. It's weird how Tsukishima still isn't here. I know he didn't sound okay over the phone, but I'm not sure if I affected him that badly. Ha who am I kidding. He probably doesn't even care that much.

Tsukishima's POV

I knew he was gonna say those words. And as much as I want to deny those words...I know the truth. I'm in love with Yams. I was in love with him this whole time.

"I'm such an idiot," I mutter out. How could I be so stupid to not even notice my own feelings towards my best friend.

"You're not an idiot Kei. You're just a human being who made a mistake," Akiteru tells me as he pats my shoulder.

"Now start getting ready for practice, you're late," he walked out my room and closed my door. He's never done that before. Well he's right. I am late, and I've got shit to fix.

I do my morning routine as quickly as I can and rush out the house. I started running to the gym for practice. It's getting colder out and I can feel the cold air biting at my lungs. I'm running so fast and so hard my legs start to go numb. I don't think I've ever tried for anything this hard before in my life. Not even trying to get a limited edition Spinosaurus figurine for my dinosaur collection.

I bust into the changing room and change quickly. When I make my way into the gym everyone is staring at me. Mostly everyone looks surprised.

"Tsukishima, were glad you could make it. Go stretch and join Hinata and Kageyama for blocks. You guys need to get your teamwork back in sync," Daichi commands. I nod my head and quietly go to stretch. Once I'm done I join the king and that tangerine for blocks.

Practice passed by quickly, even though I was late, and we were back into the changing room. I changed quickly and waited outside the changing room. I need to talk to someone. Actually 2 someones. The king and the tangerine walk out the changing room, fighting like usual. I clear my throat to get their attention. As soon as they turn their heads they both glare at me. That was to be expected.

"Kageyama, Hinata, I need to talk to you..privately," I mutter lowly. They both look stunned. I've never called them by their names before. I've always only thrown insults at them. They look at each other and reluctantly agree to talk to me.

We walk to the back of the gym and make sure no one is listening.

"What do you want, Saltyshima?" the tangerine questions me. The king just glaring holes into my skull. This is so annoying that I have to talk to them but I want my Yams back.

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