Cold Stormy Night

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Tensei carried Alt into the large building and Tensei was amazed at how elegant yet pastel goth the place was in aesthetic, there was a lot of white, black, and pastels and everything was insanely high in quality. There was a map of the building on the wall when you entered and Tensei made sure to take off his and Alt's shoes at the door before he looked at the map and where it said (Master Bedroom) he took the elevator up to the floor it was at and then unlocked the room with a key labeled MB. He had of course made sure to relock the front door when he walked in, he then entered the bedroom and it was again, very elegant and pastel goth in aesthetic and everything was very high quality. The bed had black and white Ouija board themed bedspread and a black canopy with white led lights within it. There were multiple plushies on the bed which Tensei thought was adorable and he actually went into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and he woke Alt again. The small male slowly woke and when he did he held onto Tensei which made the male blush and chuckle a bit. 'I think you should probably shower since you are all sweaty from training all day' Tensei tried to set Alt down but he didn't let go. 'B-but my body hurts too much.......' Alt buried his small innocent face into the tall male's chest. 'W-well um........I can help........i-if you want me to' Tensei blushed and looked to the side as to not make any possible eye contact with Alt. Alt blushed heavily and looked up at Tensei's rosy face. 'Y-y-you don't h-have to if you don't want to Tensei.......I-I can stand the pain.......' Alt kept blushing heavily. 'No kid, I don't want you falling and getting yourself hurt, I'm going to help you' He was able to set down Alt and he then started to run a bath instead of a shower so it would be easier for both of them. He let Alt feel the water until it was a temperature he liked and then Tensei began to let the tub fill with the hot but not too hot water, he put some calming essential oils into the water along with a bubble bath that was there. 'Alright I'll look away so you can get undressed if it will make you more comfortable.' Tensei smiled while he looked down at Alt. 'N-no it's fine.......j-just don't stare o-or anything weird.' He blushed even more if that was even possible and Tensei blushed slightly as well. The taller male turned off the water once the bath was full and lended Alt his arm to help him keep his balance while he undressed. Tensei wasn't staring but it's not like he wasn't going to look at all, I mean it wasn't in a creepy way or anything he just had a liking to the male. 

Once Alt was fully undressed Tensei helped him into the warm bath and Alt got his cat ears and cat tail. His ears bent to the sides and his tail swayed slightly as he purred, Tensei then got Alt's Rose scented shampoo and put some in his large hand. He then began to wash the male's hair for him and this made him even more content and it made him purr louder. Tensei could tell that Alt's ears were sensitive so he avoided them and he kept washing the male's hair until it was all bubbly and clean, he then tilted the smaller male's head back and filled a cup with water and began to rinse his hair. His ears flapped a little which got Tensei a bit wet and he chuckled softly. 'You like the water kid?' Alt just nodded and smiled sweetly which made the blue-haired male blush a decent amount but he shook it off, he then grabbed a washcloth and put some rose scented body wash onto it and began to help the small male wash the hardest spots to reach and ones that may be easy for him but Tensei knew it would hurt him so he washed those areas too but he let Alt do the rest so he wouldn't make him nervous. 

Once he was finished he helped rinse the male off by giving the male a towel to cover himself with and then he emptied the bath and turned on the shower to the same temperature water that the bath had been and once he was all rinsed off he turned off the water and helped Alt stand. He then wrapped the male in a warm dry towel and scooped him up which made him giggle and squeak a bit, Tensei set him down on the edge of his bed and went to get him some clothes. He came back with a very very oversized black graphic t-shirt of a stuffed bunny holding a bloody knife and some basic black boxers that were pretty short to be boxers but they still were. He handed the boxers to Alt and let him put those on but he helped him with his shirt like he really was a child.

Suddenly thunder boomed and lightning cracked and Alt yelped a bit since he was scared of thunderstorms, he had actually gotten so scared that be began to softly cry. He had ended up latching onto Tensei and he was shaking a decent amount out of fear, the loud thunder came rolling again which made him cry more. 'Hey hey hey's okay it's just a thunderstorm........oh must be scared of poor I can cuddle you to help you feel safe.' Tensei picked up Alt again and then laid down on the bed, he laid the smaller male right next to him who was still holding onto his shirt tightly. Since he had just been at U.A. to correct papers today he was already in clothes he would wear to bed which was just a t-shirt and basketball shorts. He held the terrified male close to his chest and covered both of them in a nice warm blanket, now when the thunder rolled in Alt didn't seem as scared because Tensei was there to comfort him and hold him close. He felt a connection with Tensei that he had never felt with anyone before and he felt extremely safe around the tall bluenette. Soon enough both of the males drifted off into a nice deep sleep while still holding each other close.


Hey guys!! Chapter 3 let's gggoooooo!!!.........I am extremely proud of this chapter since it has over 1100 words like omg isn't that crazy?!?!.........Anyways, thank you to the people who have read my fan fiction so far and I hope it isn't boring or anything. I want to start working on a Male creepypasta x reader oneshot lemon thing so let me know if you guys want that. I will use they/them pronouns for the reader and I can also make gender specific one shots within that story thingy so yeah ^w^. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and see ya in the next one!!

Tensei Iida x Alt (Oc)Where stories live. Discover now