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Coaches whistle blew for the third time as another player was sent off the field. "God, this is agonizing" My knee bounced anxiously next to Scott's.

"You're telling me" His head fell into his hands.

"God, you both look terrible" A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked up to see Isaac Lahey himself, kitted out in Lacrosse gear.

"You came!" I jumped up and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you. We really need you"

He smiled at me and nodded. "It looks like it"

Scott looked at him in disbelief. "You came?"

"A certain someone persuaded me that doing the right thing was important, no matter how much it terrified you" He winked at me and continued. "So, here I am"

Scott turned to me and I shrugged. "Figured we could use another player on our team, level the playing field slightly?" My look faltered. "Well, at least Isaac has claws"

"That I do have" He sat down on the bench, staring at Gerard who now had his eyes on us intently. "So, do we have a plan or are we just winging it?"

"At the moment, no. We just need to stop Jackson from killing anyone right now" We huddled in and discussed our options, coming out sort of short.

"It would help if you were actually on the field, that sucks" I rolled my eyes, shooting Coach daggers for benching him. "You want me to threaten him? It's not something I haven't done before"

Isaac stared at me for a moment before shaking his head. "You really scare me, you know that?"

"I take pride in that fact" My head nodded to him and he shuddered, making me chuckle. I thought for a moment before turning to them both. "What happens if Coach runs out of players on the field?"

"He uses the ones on the bench" Scott stared at me, completely clueless.

"Scott" I put my hand on his leg. "Where are you now?"

"Oh the ben-" He stopped himself from speaking any more. "That could work"

Isaac pulled on his glove and grabbed his helmet. "More than happy to help"

Scott grabbed him before he could stand up. "Please, nobody in Hospital?"

I clapped my hands together as Isaac nodded, jogging out onto the middle of the field. "This could work, this could really work. We might win this" Coach's whistle blew and the game jumped back into action, players were passing the ball to each other as I leaned into Scott. "How long do you think it'll take hi-" I was cut short as one of our own players flew across the filed, landing on his back groaning in pain. My head nodded as he was substituted for a player on the bench. "Alright, not very long at all then"

"My god" He muttered to himself.

I winced another time as he thudded into the second person. My head buried into my hands until it was over and all of the substitutes had been used. "That was.."

"Brutal" He finished for me and I agreed with him.

My eyes locked with Stiles for a moment, he nodded at me as if to say 'all okay?' and I nodded back at him, making sure he didn't worry. He was doing the best he's ever done and I couldn't help but feel proud that no matter what was happening tonight, he was doing well.

Coach blew his whistle and I expected him to call Scott's name, but instead everyone around me gasped and I looked up to see Isaac on the floor, motionless. "Scott!" I yelled and he leaped up off the chair, kneeling down beside Isaac and making sure he was alright. Gerard stood at the side of the pitch with a smug grin on his face leading me to the conclusion that this was his plan all along. A pit grew in my stomach, somehow thinking that we were playing right into his hands.

Isaac was lifted up by a stretcher as Scott made his way back over. "Jackson nicked him"

"Figured. What do we do now?"

"Now-" He pulled his helmet on and grabbed his stick. "We play"

As he ran onto the field and the game started up again the pit grew bigger, my eyes scanned for Gerard, realising he was nowhere to be seen. I stood up to get a better gage and Melissa caught my eye, motioning for me to go over to her. She looked panicked as she spoke. "Something's happening, isn't it?"

My head nodded. "Yes, you should all leave. It's not safe for you here"

She shook her head. "No, I'm staying right here. Can you stop him?"

I pulled my lip between my teeth nervously. "Maybe. Did you see where he went?"

"Somewhere behind the bleachers, he left just after Isaac was carried away" She gripped my hand before I took off running. "I believe in you"

I shot her a thankful glance and took off inside the school in search for Isaac before it was too late. My head snapped side to side checking in each room until I reached the boys locker room, hearing Gerard's voice echoing around the tiles. "It's a real shame Isaac, maybe if you had a pack like Scott's then you would be able to survive this..."

I tore around the corner, coming face to face with Gerard who had a sword and was ready to swing at Isaac, who had already locked eyes with me and let out a sigh of relief. "That's where you're wrong" My voice was strong.

He turned around to look at me, disgust painted across his face. "Traitor. You don't belong with these...mutts"

My smiled grew bigger as I took a step forward. "Wrong again"

"You think you can take me?" He let out a laugh. "You don't stand a chance, you are just a weak woman" His words cut into me.

I shook my head. "You underestimate me, Gerard. I know the truth. I know you're scared"

"Me? Scared? Of what? A girl?" He dropped the sword to the floor with a clatter. "How's that for scared?"

"You're right" My head shook. Without flinching, I walked up to him and looked him in the eye before catching him off guard and bring my knee into his stomach, folding him over and leaning down to his ear, whispering under my breath. "I'm not a girl, I'm a fucking woman" He fell to the floor beneath me and I cackled at him. "And strong woman scare weak men"

Isaac stared at me in shock as I picked up his sword and walked over, letting Isaac rest on my shoulders as we limped out of the room. "That was badass"

"I know, right?" I laughed into his chest before throwing the sword in a school bin - I wonder how they would cover that up. "Now, let's go help our friends"


"She remembered who she was, and the game changed"

GIRL ON FIRE ➳ S. STILINSKI  [01]Where stories live. Discover now