Chapter 13.

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The side of Taylor's head had a huge gash

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The side of Taylor's head had a huge gash. I wanted so badly to grab her from the fast man's arms, but I knew that they would think of me as a threat if I did, so I just stood to the side, never taking my eyes off of Taylor. "You have no idea what you're doing." Cap says to Bruce and Stark. "And you do?" Bruce points at the girl. "She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry."

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke you out and never change a shade."

"Banner, after everything that's happened..." Steve started but was interrupted by Stark. "It's nothing compared to what's coming!"

"You don't know what's in there."

"This isn't a game." Steve says, and I watch as the guy with speed put Taylor down nearby, on the floor, before running around the cradle using his speed to unplug the tubes. I move to where Taylor is lying, and I set her head on my lap as I use my magic to heal the wound on the side of her head. "No, no. Go on." The Speed Demon says as everything powers down. "You were saying." A gunshot is heard, but no one knows who shot it or where it's coming from until glass shatters. "What, you didn't see that coming?" I could hear Barton ask smugly.

"I'm rerouting the upload." Stark says, and the next thing I heard was the sound of Steve's shield being thrown. When I healed the gash on the side of Taylor's head, I teleported us out of the area and into Dr. Palmer's Office, where it would be safer for her. Dr. Palmer was startled a bit but soon relaxed as soon as she saw it was me. "What is going on up there?" She asks me, quite confused and annoyed.

"They can't seem to agree if it is a good idea to bring Ultron's creation to life or not." I set Taylor on the little bed in the center of the room. "Can you check her to see if she has any other wounds? I healed the one on the side of her head." Doctor Palmer and I could hear the sound of a thump and glass breaking coming from upstairs. "I will go check on the rest." I respond as I teleport myself back upstairs.

Taylor's POV.

I am scared. I have always been afraid of the dark, and right now...darkness is all I see. I can hear everyone, but I can't see or feel anything. I want to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy. I can hear Loki's voice as he talks to Dr. Palmer. "The team is about to head out to Sokovia, and Stark needs to talk to you before we leave. I think it's about Agent Holmes." I don't hear anything else besides the door shutting. It was so quiet, and I needed to wake up. I needed to help the others in Sokovia against Ultron. What if someone gets killed? What if Loki dies? I need to wake up. I need to wake up now!

Loki's POV

Dr. Palmer leaves, and I will go with everyone to Sokovia when the doctor comes running back. "Mr. Stark?" I watch as Stark goes over to her, and they converse away from the group. They both walk up into the Quinjet, and Stark looks at everyone with a suspicious glance. "Who took Taylor's body?"

"What do you mean, "Who took Taylor's body?" She was in Dr. Palmer's office and unconscious just a few minutes ago when Loki went to get the doctor, right?" Steve asks, and everyone looks worried and confused. I was more worried than confused. Who took her?

"Yes." Both the doctor and I said at the same time to answer Steve's question. "Did you check where her body was? Did you feel for a hand or put a blanket over the top of where her body is supposed to be?" Barton asks Palmer, and she nods her head. "So the problem isn't that she turned invisible while unconscious...then she either woke up and walked out or someone took her body." Bruce concludes the situation. "Why couldn't her superpower be flight, super strength, or something else. Why does it have to be invisibility?" Stark mutters to himself and turns to the doctor. "I am gonna need you to watch out for Taylor. She could be anywhere in this tower or walking around the city." She nods and leaves as the Quinjet gets ready to go into the air.

Taylor's POV

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that's not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done." Steve gives a speech or a pep talk (whatever you want to call it...I like to call it a snooze fest) to everyone on the Quinjet. "We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us." He pauses. "Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world, this isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve finishes walking towards me (except he doesn't know that I'm here...all he can see is an empty chair).

"Do not even think about it, buddy." I finally speak, and everyone looks my way. Steve and Loki look towards my way with shocked expressions on their faces. I had to become visible again because everyone knows I am here now. "What's up?" I ask rhetorically, and everyone looks surprised to see me sitting with all of them. "What? If I stayed back there, I knew you all would bench me, so I snuck on here while the doctor was out of the room. I stood up and walked over to Loki, and sat down in his lap. "I finally got the name for Holmes...Chameleon." Tony says randomly. The team looked confused, but it was cute, and the name made sense (kind of). "I like it. Taylor Holmes is now Chameleon."

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