December 5th, 2020

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December 5th, 2020

It was the first day I had gone without seeing you. I found my thoughts trailing back to you every time I passed your old room as I made my way to my other patients. It was quite the lonely shift without your beautiful smile and lovely eyes.

I never thought my shift would end.

As much as I wanted to go see you, I had other things that I really needed to take care of, like figuring out who had caused you to have the wreck. I was disappointed that the police couldn't identify our culprit any faster, so it was time to take matters into my own hands.

As I made my way to my little suburban home, I couldn't help but think of our real home. Would you enjoy the enchanted forest more than the bustling city? Would you miss the sound of the midnight train? I know I wouldn't. I miss my little woodland creatures crying in the night.

In the end, it wouldn't really matter what you thought about it as it was soon to be your home as it is mine.

I had reached my home and threw the door open, ready to start my own investigation. As I walked through my house, the glamour slowly faded into its natural state. With my colorful potion filled bottles lining the cabinets and the hides of various animals hanging on the walls, it would good to be in my little temporary home. Where I could finally be in my own skin.

I grabbed a few bottles from the shelves and cabinets and brought them to a smaller version of my cauldron back home. I planned to mix a potion that would show me what happened a few days ago and reveal who it was that had caused you damage.

After dumping in all the mixtures, dropping a little hair of yours and chanting a few words, an image appeared in the water. It was an image of a human in a red pickup truck. They looked to be swerving all over the road and into the other lane. As I watched on, I finally saw the crash. They had side swiped your small car, sending it into a spin and found itself wrapped around a tree.

Unfortunately, the human was hard to see in the lighting and they never emerged from the truck. I took my hand and ran it counterclockwise in the water, rewinding the display in the water until I found said human. It was a male, and it looked like he was leaving a party.

I grinned, for I knew what I was going to do come the following night.


Sorry for being late, my weekend got butchered and I fell behind. I'm working on tonight's chapter, but I don't think ill get it posted before the internet goes out as it is on a timer. Hopefully I will be all caught up by tomorrow night, which means 2 updates tomorrow. 

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