Part 5 - "I said, EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

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It was Harry Potters third year of Hogwarts. He, Hermione and Ron had just found out that Sirius Black hadn't betrayed the Potters and that it was infact a little lump of a man who went by the name of Peter Pettigrew, otherwise known as Wormtail.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Remus, Snape and Peter had just made exit out of the Shrieking Shack when all havoc broke lose. Remus transformed into a dangerously violent werewolf who started on the trio. Sirius became his animagus as a black dog to ward Remus away from the young wizards and they began to fight. Remus was viciously throwing his hairy arms at Sirius who was fighting back cautiously, knowing that if he put up too much of a fight he would become badly hurt.

Over by the lake surrounded by trees, a young Percy Weasley in his seventh year of Hogwarts was roaming mindlessly. He had been asked by the Care of Magical Creatures teacher Hagrid to look for a type of magical platypus Percy didn't catch the name of. He of course didn't expect to find what Hagrid was looking for due to Hagrid only giving him a brief explanation through howls and sobs. Percy knew of the upsetting fate Buckbeak was going to receive that day.

He gathered a handful of his robes tightly and he attempted to shield himself from a sudden feeling of cold. His stomach felt like he had just swallowed a ginormous block of ice. He darted his head upwards, looking for the source of this thick cold. His pale eyes were met with an airy sheet of black figures who were floating feverishly about eachother. "Dementors," Percy muttered.

Percy had never come across a dementor before in his life. He had only heard about them once before during a Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson and once at the beginning of the school year from Albus Dumbledore. Though, one evening he had come across a rather empty classroom. He had heard voices inside so he decided to poke his head through the door to see who they belonged to. Inside he could see Harry, Professor Lupin and a black cloaked figure which lingered feverishly just like the ones abound Percy. He had seen Harry mutter an incantation which made the dementor flee. This appeared to be Percys only chance at soul survival.

Percy drew his wand from his pocket and pointed it up at the dementors. The cloaked figures seemed to have noticed him because they were now soaring down, trying to extract parts of Percys soul for their own. The feeling was horrific. Percy felt as if everything he knew to be happy was now sad...but he had to stay strong. His wand arm had dropped back down to his side. He shot it back up again and screamed at the top of his lungs, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

Nothing happened, though it felt like everything happened. No silvery wisps were leaving his wand like it did with Harry's and the dementors seemed to be taking to him more savagely with every second that passed. "I can't be saying it wrong!" Percy huffed. He pointed his wand back up at the sky. He then suddenly remembered Lupin telling Harry something about being happy. "I was happy when I was appointed Head Boy...I'll try it."

Percy looked up intently and yelled, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Again, like last time, nothing happened. This caused Percy to become more and more irritated. "I said, EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He was now bellowing, his voice the loudest it had ever been. All of a sudden, like a cloud dropping from the sky, streams of silky and silvery wisps were fighting to escape Percys wand. He smiled importantly as this happened. The wisps then took on the complexion of water droplets as a larger wisp was making its best effort to leave the end of Percys wand.

It happened like a pin drop. It flopped to the ground and began to flap eagerly. A salmon. A silvery, translucent salmon had emerged from the end of Percys wand and had fallen uselessly onto the floor.

Percys jaw fell open so wide you could fit one thousand salmons in there. The minuscule fish was enthusiastically trying to launch up into the air and fight off the dementors but it did not possess the facilities to do so. The dementors reaction to the pathetic patronus was unknowing as they (with even more vigour now) raced down to Percys level. Percys eyes met the worst they could ever meet. A ruggish dementor had pulled down its hood to reveal something that will never be able to be described with words. Percys eyes widened as a huge and monstrous mouth opened even wider than Percys. Many more dementors began to do the same. Before Percy could process, the dementors had completely sucked out his soul, leaving him passed out on the cold ground with a silvery salmon still happily flipping about beside him.

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