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"When do you start?"

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"When do you start?"

I heaved the glass doors of the campus cafe open, clutching my red carry cup to steal some of its warmth. "January."

"That's fantastic, Madi!" Kara squealed, nudging me with her elbow before taking a sip of her pumpkin spice latte.

I shrugged self-consciously, wrapping my hands in the sleeves of my sweater to fight off the brisk morning air. "It's just reception work."

"It's not just anything. You need to stop downplaying your achievements."

She might have had a point.

"Besides," she said, stepping back as a load of students carrying their luggage squeezed past us in the quad, "getting recommended by one of your professors is a huge deal. Getting recommended by two? You're on fire, girl!"

I raised my cappuccino to my lips, hiding the proud grin that was growing under her praise.

Ruby and Pearl—or Shay and Aubrey—stepped out of the library just before we passed. Kara raced ahead to throw her arms around the tall, slender brunette from behind, brushing her fuchsia lips against her tanned cheek.

My roommate was taking the whole 'stay away from men' thing far more literally than I ever had, and some small part of me was kind of bummed about it. I'd hoped that Kara and Dex would have taken a liking to each other.

Then again, what did I know? I was out of the matchmaking game. Indefinitely.

I was just grateful that Shay frequented our room far less than Jarrod had.

"I've never seen so many people on a Saturday morning," Aubrey remarked, lifting a ring-encrusted hand to stifle a yawn. Her almond eyes flew over the grounds around us, taking in the sea of students who were also preparing to make the trek home.

I laughed in agreement. As far as I was concerned, eight AM shouldn't exist on weekends. "Do you have anything planned for the holidays?"

"My family's going up to the coast." She tilted her head in my direction. "Near Capri, actually. My brother has a surf comp nearby."

I nodded simply, even though I knew from her vague description alone that she was referring to the Sunset Pro. I knew the competition too well, and I knew that Elijah would be there presenting the awards this year as part of his duties as reigning champion.

A soft smile pulled at my lips at the ocean of memories that came flooding through. The memory of Eli's family and I cheering him on from the shore. Of the wild sea crashing against the rocks, bathing us in the salty smell of home. Of Mr. Kovač throwing his arms around me when his son's name was plastered at the top of the scoreboard, of Elijah cutting through the adoring crowd to drag me up on stage with him. Last year, he'd thanked me when he accepted his prize. I wondered who he'd be thanking this year.

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