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after attending to her duties, she sat back against the cold, empty throne. it was so peculiar to sit in an area reserved for zeus, poseidon - particularly those who ruled amongst the gods. it felt wrong to occupy such a place.

her back began to ache from sitting so straight - she always huddled over to shrink into herself. achlys was tired, but she knew that the gods would be disappointed in her if she didn't do what she was told. a long sigh escaped from her lips and she lifted her legs from the pedestal, heading towards the front chamber.

"mother! eris ! anyone !"

she tucked her wispy black hair behind her ears, but all she could hear were the angels playing their harps. her longs legs carried her over to the library - that was where the angels stayed; surrounded by words and memories.

"malaj?" she asked.

a young angel hurried over, his wings obscuring the rest of the room. the angels fell silent - achlys was drenched in sorrow and her bones peeked from under her pale skin. they were horrified of her. the angels and their golden, glittery skin, their rosy cheeks and wide eyes paled in comparison to achlys's appearance.

"yes, oh holy one," the angel nearly bent to his feet until achlys pulled him up to his feet. she hated how people cowered under her - the dark hair that curtained her pale face, the blood dripping from her cheeks, and her long, unruly nails tend to scare the eyes who fell upon her. she gripped her purple hands around malaj's golden wrists and led him to a small and hidden room.

"look, malaj, i know the gods love their secrets, but this time, i need you to tell me the truth," achlys knew malaj would know where they went, the gods confided in him like he was their own personal diary. "where has everyone gone?"

malaj closed his eyes in frustration. he rubbed his golden fingers across his forehead to ease his headache. he was tired. tired of being at every beck and call of the gods. he despised the mortals for taking their existence for granted. what was the point of living forever if you had your freedom stripped?

"achlys, i can't say. i truly am sorry, but the gods would punish me for eternity if i told."

her eyes drooped even more, and she scratched at her cheeks once again - it was a bad habit, but she couldn't stop. blood pooled on the marble floor and skin and fresh blood were caked under her nails.

"its alright, maraj. i understand. i just, i dont get it - why would everyone leave and not tell me?"

maraj shook his head sadly, his curly golden hair moving along with it. "i'm sorry, achlys. i can't. not this time."

achlys smiled at him. "well, i'll be going now. thank you." maraj scurried away and closed the library door behind him.

achlys fell to the floor, her legs collapsing from beneath her. a sob ripped out from her chest and she tore off her skin from her cheek once again. no one was their to comfort her. not eris, not moirai, not keres, and not even her own mother. all that was left was herself and her sorrow. achlys let the pain and misery wash over her. it was the only thing she could return to, the only thing she could depend on. 

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