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All that could be heard was the sound of the constant ticking of the living room wall clock. It ticked like an annoying mantra, mocking Seokjin as the hands of the clock continued to push forward. It was ten minutes past midnight, and Seokjin had an early shift at the diner the next morning. He was bound to be exhausted for his shift, but his stubbornness and anxiousness made it impossible for him to sleep right now.

He subconsciously tapped his fingers against his knee over his pajama bottoms while his other hand held its grip on the television remote. The TV is the only light illuminating the room, but Seokjin isn't really watching anything at the moment. He has the volume set on mute. There seems to be some kind of baking competition playing, but Seokjin can't seem to comprehend what's happening because his thoughts are too loud.

Seokjin has finally made a decision. If his husband doesn't come home again tonight, then he's done. He'll be throwing in the towel of their marriage. Seokjin can't fathom the idea that Namjoon might be having an affair, but he'll be damned to be played as a fool. Tonight was Namjoon's last chance.

Since he's not used to staying up so late anymore, Seokjin let out an excessive yawn. His eyes felt heavy, but he couldn't let the drowsiness take him yet. He wanted to give Namjoon the benefit of the doubt.

There was a small piece of hopefulness that Seokjin was clinging on to. He wanted to believe that Namjoon was innocent; that he really was just work absorbed and neglectful, not a cheater.

Jin has even contemplated showing up on campus during one of Namjoon's late evenings out, but there are a couple of things stopping him. For one, the University's security is extremely strict about letting in guests after hours, even the staff's spouses. And for two, that would mean leaving Jangmi with Jungkook super late at night. It's not that he doesn't trust the teenager to watch over her, but the pregnant male is still in school and needs his sleep too. It's not his responsibility to care for his three-year-old niece. She was Seokjin's and Namjoon's responsibility, though Namjoon has been absolutely no help in that department lately.

Seokjin glanced up at the clock that now read 1:02am. He chewed on his nails anxiously as he decided that 2am would be the end. He didn't want to wait anymore past that. He was too tired and his heart couldn't take much more.

He jumped to the sound of one of their bedroom doors creaking open. He was hopeful that Jangmi was still sound asleep. He doesn't think he could keep himself together in front of her. The mother already feels like he's failed her.

To his relief, it was Jungkook that made an appearance with his eyes half squinted from sleep and with tousled bed hair. The younger brother looked adorable with his normally loose sleep shirt now fitting more snugly against his prominent baby bump.

Jungkook walked right past the older toward the kitchen without any form of acknowledgement. He was probably still half asleep. The young male had gone to sleep a few hours prior claiming to be completely exhausted, but his pregnancy tended to have him waking up often in the middle of the night. Jin remembers the same thing happening to him when he was pregnant with Jangmi.

The rummaging around in the kitchen worried Seokjin, but it kept him distracted from the time. He lifted himself off of the couch and stretched his limbs before following his brother.

What he saw when he stepped foot into the room almost made him want to giggle and gag at the same time. Jungkook was aggressively eating chocolate chunk ice cream straight out of the container. Sitting next to it he had a two liter bottle of coca cola that he would directly pour into the ice cream before scooping out more and shoving it into his mouth. The ice cream and coke float was painted all over the boy's face. He looked ridiculous, but Jin couldn't help but coo, which caught Jungkook's attention.

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