chapter five: one for all

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After Izuku was done talking to the Yaoyarosu family he started to walk around a corner when he saw all might. He wonders what all might is doing so he walks up and asks him what was he doing.

All might: ah young Yashagorō I was actually waiting for you I need to talk to you about something important

Izuku: oh what did you need to talk to me about all might🤨

All might: well young Yashagorō I was hoping that you would be willing to become my successor and inherit my power

After all might says that smoke appears and all might turns into a skinny man. Izuku was shocked bye this he didn't expect the symbol of peace to be in this condition. All might lifts up his shirt and shows his injury to Izuku. Izuku released that because of his injury he can't us his full power. All might looks at Izuku and could tell Izuku had figured it out already. All might asked again if Izuku would take his power and become the next symbol of peace. Izuku thinks to himself for a minute and gives his answer to all might.

Izuku: yes I accept this task of being your successor

All might was glad to hear this and told Izuku to meet him at Dagoba beach to train and get his qwerk. While this was happening three men and one women was standing in the shadows watching this go down.

Orichimaru: well well well looks like Izuku's training is going to get interesting wouldn't you say lord 1st, 2nd, and 5th

Hashirama: yes looks like all might will be joining us in training him Orichimaru, younger brother, grand daughter

Tobirama: yes I'm quite curious to see what this all might has in store

Tsunada: yes I agree I think after we finish his training for the U.A entry test I'll heal that injury of his so he can fight at full strength

Tobirama: yes I would be a shame for a strong hero of his people to be in such a condition

Orichimaru: agreed but for now let's just talk to all might about Izuku's training

Hashirama: right!

Tobirama: right!

Tsunada: right!

After that they vanished into the shadows after all might. While Izuku just teleports home to get ready for his training with all might.

(Ninja art Author style: time skip no jutsu)

It's the next day and Izuku gets ready for the day. But he noticed that his four teachers weren't home which he found off. Because they usually dont ever leave the lab but he brushes it off and teleports to Dagoba beach. When he teleports there he noticed all the garbage that people left there. But what shocked him the most was that he saw his four teachers talking with all might. He asked why they were there and they just replied with.

All four of them: were here to help all might train you for his qwerk

Izuku was shocked and confused bye how they know about all might and him being his successor. They explained that they saw the whole thing go down. Because they were looking for him because he usually just teleports home. So they went looking for him and when they did they saw Izuku talking to all might. They heard the whole story about all mights injury and his qwerk. Not to mention while they were waiting for Izuku to show up all might told them how his power is transferred. Izuku was surprised to hear this and asked how it's done. They all just gave an uneasy look of weirded out and just told him he would learn in time. For now they needed to focus on the training. Izuku just agreed and started to crush and compact the trash into little balls of garbage. All might was impressed bye his level of physical strength. After 5 months of hard training Izuku was ready for all mights power. So when all might and his other four teachers said he was ready for it he was prepared for it. But what he wasn't prepared for was what all might asked Izuku to do next.

All might: (takes out a single hair) EAT THIS!

Izuku: for real all might🤢

All might: yes I'm serious this is how my qwerk is transferred through DNA be happy this is the least gross for my power to be transferred😅

Izuku mans up and eats the hair to the amusement of his teachers who slightly laughed at him. Izuku just get pissed and yells at them to shut up he didn't have a choice. They quickly quit down and get serious they ask Izuku to try and us the power. Izuku somehow on instinct activates 25% of one for all on his whole body. All might was impressed bye this not expecting for Izuku to us 25% of his qwerk on his whole body. They decided it was best to us the last 5 months to keep training his qwerk. To which they all agree and the get to work sens the beach was clean now the went somewhere else to train. After the 5 months had passed Izuku was able to us 65% of one for all. Now it was time for the U.A entry test and Izuku was pumped up and ready.

Izuku: LOOK OUT U.A HERE I COME!!!!!!!!

Me: thanks for reading please keep showing me your support and have a good day bye😄👋

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