Relationships and Stuff

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In my desired reality my closest friend is Luna Lovegood, we met when she was a 1st year and I was a 2nd year, our friendship really blossomed when we found out that we both loved magical creatures. Her appearance matches that in the movies. She always smells of the garden, like fresh soil and plants, with stronger hints of peppermint. During the summer before my 3rd year (and her 2nd respectively) my mother and father met her father, Xenophilius Lovegood, they got along swimmingly. Luna always gives me a free copy of the Quibbler whenever it comes out, even allowing me to design the cover page every so often. 

In my desired reality I am also close with Fred and George Weasley, but I do fancy George. We met on the Hogwarts Express when I, quite literally, bumped into them while trying to find an open compartment. They invited me to join them and thus our friendship began. Despite us not being in the same house we manage to spend time together outside of classes, at least when I'm not with Luna. The three of us sneak into the Honeydukes cellar to smoke marijuana at least once a day. We never get caught. Fred's appearance matches that of the movie, as does George's. Fred always smells like citrus and rain-soaked wood. George always smells like cinnamon and fire. George is attracted to me for both my personality and my looks. 
Due to being close with Fred and George, Ron Weasley is also my friend but we don't hang out as much. 

A few other people I would consider my friends are:
- Padma Patil 
- Hermione Granger
- Ginny Weasley
- Harry Potter
- Terry Boot
- Cho Chang
- Neville Longbottom

On the Hogwarts Express I sit with either Luna or Fred and George. Although Luna tends to like to wander the train quite a lot, so more times than not I sit with Fred and George. 

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