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The Goddess is one of the Seven Great God Sites of the ancient times. It is located on the continent of nine continents and is located in a hidden area. If there is no acquaintance to open the way, you will not be able to enter.

Yintong took the green mulberry, and the two hummed, they really climbed up.

"Xiaotongtong, the goddess is too high, you can't drive the clouds." Green Mulberry muttered as he wiped his sweat.

Yintong gave her an angry look: "Do you think the goddess is a place where you can drive clouds if you want to drive them?"

When this guy came, she rubbed the clouds along her way, and she was so tired that she was half dead. Now she still wants to rub the clouds. The goddess is so aura that she can't fly up at all!

Lu Sang sighed, "I'm so tired, otherwise let's rest for a while."

He didn't wait for Yintong to agree, and sat down on the ground.

Yintong couldn't help, so she had to sit down with her: "I said, Princess, can you practice hard in the future? As the daughter of the Emperor and Queen, you can't even gather a cloud. Don't you feel ashamed."

When he was chased by the Black Flood Dragon last time, Yintong thought she was scared and stupid. Now it seems that this little princess is completely ignorant of spells and is more useless than her!

Let it go, and even pull out a green sword at every turn to scare people. There is no self-knowledge. However, they are also expensive as a princess in the heavens. She was born as a fairy, alas, depressed...

"What's so embarrassing," Lu Sang didn't care: "I have my father and the queen, and the emperor's elder brother and emperor sister, where is it necessary to practice by myself?

Yintong was stunned, um, it sounds like it makes sense...

"Even so, you can't even know how to drive the clouds." Yintong immediately responded.

Lu Sang cleared his throat: "Um, I know, but I'm a bit unfamiliar."

Yintong rolled his eyes: "Oh."

"Oh, Xiaotongtong, don't worry about this," Lu Sang shook her arm, and took the opportunity to change the subject: "How long can we climb up?"

"I don't know," Yintong shook his head: "I was brought here by Lord Goddess and Senior Brother Binglin."

Follow them up into the clouds and reach the summit in the blink of an eye.

Lv Sang pulled the grass on the ground annoyedly: "It's really annoying, I would go back to the Tiangong and stole the flying carpet."

"Who allows you to move my fairy grass?" A familiar voice sounded, red and blue beams flashed, and Feng Yu Binglin appeared in front of them at the same time.

"Brother Binglin!" Lu Sang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he bounced off the ground and rushed towards Binglin, where was there a little bit of exhaustion?

Bing Lin frowned suspiciously, and silently pulled out the arms wrapped around her: "What are you doing here?"

"Of course I came to you~" Lu Sang replied naturally.

"Look for me?" Bing Lin was even more dazed, turning his head to look at the rather resentful Yintong, his face gradually condensed: "But something happened to the master?"

"No, Lord Goddess is fine," Lu Sang smiled and said, "I am looking for you, Brother Binglin, I like you, and want to become a fairy with you!"

"Puff..." she snorted when she finished speaking. Turning his head displeased, he glared at a fox and said angrily: "What are you laughing at!"

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