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"Does the god have a good relationship with the god Mo Yue?" After Mo Yue left, Yao Yin asked Qingli with a glance.

Qingli raised her eyebrows slightly and pointed to Jian Mu behind her: "Give me this ginseng fruit and I will tell you."

"Don't don't don't..." Jianhu shouted instantly.

Yao Yin pressed his head and said meaninglessly, "That's it."

Jian Hu clung to Yao Yin's sleeve, staring at Qing Li with trembling, but he happened to meet his smiling and non-smiling eyes. The shaking became even worse. What should I do? There are always bad guys coveting him. He wants to return to the Misty Peak...

After a moment of silence, Yao Yin waved his hand to Qingli: "If there is nothing wrong with the god, let's take the lion back, and this seat won't keep you."

Qingli frowned lightly, and said, "It's Moyue's pet beast, it has nothing to do with me." He won't raise a lion that specializes in magic weapons.

"He..." Hearing his words, the little lion flicked his tail proudly, gave a grunt, raised his head and squatted down at the place farthest from Qing.

Yao Yin squinted at this scene, did not say anything, and sat down cross-legged, continuing to practice.

"Grandma Zuzuzuzu, look at it..." After a while, Jianhu suddenly jumped back and pointed to the little lion who was staring at him. Although the little lion squatted and didn't move, it was big. The halazi in his mouth flowed all over, and the golden pupil showed a beast-like fierce light, which seemed to be a sign of madness.

Yao Yin squinted his eyes and moved to the side of Qingli calmly: "Shenjun, what is its origin?"

Qingli face does not change his color: "Born from stone, Ben and Moyue came from the same family."

It also popped out of a crack in the rock? Yaoyin became more horrified. She didn't know if Mo Yue had ever raised a pet beast in her previous life, but only Moyue was the only immortal that popped out of the rock!

While thinking about it, the little lion has already taken a small step forward, quite ready to move.

Jianhu could only hug Yaoyin tightly and looked at the drooling lion in horror: "Grandma, can you beat it?"

Yao Yin was silent, naturally she couldn't beat it at this moment.

Since the destruction of her cultivation base, her inheritance has also weakened a lot, and some secret techniques seemed to have been erased from her mind, and she couldn't remember it no matter what she thought.

Perhaps it was because her current cultivation base could not support those inheritances, so they chose to automatically seal them. If they want to get it back, they must cultivate and promote as soon as possible.

The little lion got closer and closer, and a mouthful of fangs was undoubtedly revealed. Not to mention Jane, Yao Yin was a little bit stunned. After all, she had been hit by a lion: "God doesn't care about it."

Qingli raised her eyebrows diagonally: "Where are your artifacts?"

Yaoyin pulled his lips and said decisively: "It is not suitable to use artifacts." As she expected, the lion's favorite food is all kinds of fairy artifacts.

"Oh..." The little lion couldn't control it in the end, and jumped up.

Qingli did not move his eyebrows, only waved his sleeves, and an invisible barrier immediately appeared around them, blocking the wild lion from outside.

Female Match Between Master-Apprentice Relationship (MTL) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now