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After Yintong came out of Huaqing Wonderland, sneaking all the way, finally came to the outside of Pantaoyuan not far away.

She deliberately asked a lot of fairy maids before, only to know that Xiao Lulu had been locked in Taoyuan to plant trees after she was captured by the Queen of Heaven. It must be because she had stolen a car of peaches and the Queen of Heaven punished her.

She Xiaotongshu is not an ungrateful person, although she can't beat the guards of the heavenly soldiers.

Yintong turned into its original form, and when he was about to sneak in, he was accidentally grabbed by the branches and leaves, and suddenly returned to his body.

"Brother Binglin, why are you here? Are you here to save Xiao Lulu with me?" Yintong was surprised and delighted. If Brother Binglin helps, he won't be afraid of another 100 heavenly soldiers!

Bing Lin released his palm and replied, "Master specially ordered me to look at you."

Yintong sighed and sighed slightly: "Brother Binglin, it would be fine if you saved Xiao Lulu that day."

Bing Lin looked at Taoyuan from a distance, and said: "Princess Lusang is the daughter of the Queen of Heaven, and has nothing to do with Master. If I act rashly, maybe it will cause Master trouble."

Yintong thought for a while, it seemed to make sense, but did they just let it go? Oh, Xiao Lulu will definitely not give her peaches in the future.

"Brother Binglin!" With a shout, Yintong turned his head abruptly, and saw the green mulberries who were supposed to be trapped in the Taoyuan rushing towards them!

"Little Green!" There was no reaction on the ice face, but Yintong beside him was overjoyed: "How did you escape?"

"Those slaves are the opponents of this princess?" Green Sang raised her white and pointed chin, and Feng's eyes turned to Yintong: "Stupid Tung Tree, you dare to see death without saving, and see how I can deal with you!"

As she said, she stretched out her hand to pull the leaf on top of Yintong's head, Yintong hurriedly protected her with her hands: "I didn't mean it, I couldn't beat your heavenly soldiers~"

"Dare to quibble!" Lu Sang didn't listen to the explanation at all.

"Enough." Seeing that the two were about to fight together, Bing Lin had to stop it.

Lu Sang was unwilling to let go, snorted, and then smiled at the brother Binglin who she was thinking about: "Brother Binglin, did you come here to save me?"

Yintong tidied his clothes and said depressed: "I'm here to save you."

"you shut up."

Yintong pursed his lips aggrievedly, looking at someone who pleased Senior Binglin with a grievance, and finally couldn't hold back the broken thoughts: "It is clear that Senior Binglin is the one who cannot save his opinions, huh, color is not righteous... ..."


Although the jade liquid in Tiangong tastes very good, it is quite intoxicating. Most of the jade liquid is to gods and wine is to mortals. The more you drink, the more you become addicted.

Yaoyin was already drowsy, a few cups, and his mind became heavier. During this period, many immortals came to visit on stage one after another. She was also not very interested. She claimed to be leaning on her elbow, half-closed her eyes, drinking one cup after another.

She always has a high-cold image and has never made any fairy friends, so there are very few people who visit her, but Qingli is different.

The originator of the instrument and medicine world is probably the most popular among the gods. The toasting person has never stopped, just like the water immortal on the water, the Yuantuo and the like, all come on request. As for the fairy Weiran, 80% Came for love.

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