chapter 2 - old friends

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You wake up and get changed and you have a slight realization, robin was the mother of your old friend, you'll have to say high to her but first you open a package that you must of missed yesterday it has some tools and a large package of seeds; you spend some time to plant them, then go into town.

You end up meeting some old faces and some new, abigail is your purple haired friend's name and she's doing fine. Sam, the blond one, is still as energetic and happy as you remember.

It's around 8pm when. You've said hi to everyone in the main part of town bit there's another part further up so you go up to explore there, you see a young man in all black with dark purple hair, you go to introduce your self and you decide to ask about your third friend who you haven't seen, bit if you remember correctly that was in character for her.

"Hello sir I'm (y/n), do you happen to know where a ginger lives, Robin's daughter i believe, I'm trying to catch up with my old friend but i don't remember her name."

He speaks up with a puff of smoke "It's sebastian now, good to see you"

"Oh sorry, but it is good to see you again. so, your trans, that explains a lot about."

"Yeah, I guess it would if you knew me as a kid"

"It's good to see you again sebastian, but it's dark to i should be heading home to get some sleep"

"Ok, see ya" he says as you start to walk away, thinking about the day your excited what your future in pelican town will bring

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