Chapter 3 (Meeting The Others)

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No one's POV*

You woke up because someone was poking your face;
"5 more minutes..." You mumbled sleepily 
"Nope, you have to wake up now y/n, were gonna be going to the demon slayer corps remember?" The Familiar voice of Muichiro Spoke
"Fine..." You said as you sat up still having your eyes closed
You heard the door close and decided to comb your hair and change
After changing, you went to the kitchen to see Muichiro sitting at the table waiting for you to eat breakfast
"You've already eaten?" You asked him as you sat down
"Yeah, before I woke you up" He explained
"Oh ok" You said before eating
"Anyways, you're going to be meeting the hashira's and some of the other demon slayer corps members" He explained while looking outside
You nodded in response because your mouth was full

After Eating*

"You ready to go now y/n?" Muichiro asked while looking at you
"Yep!" You replied
He held out his hand for you to hold, you gratefully took his hand and walked together to the demon slayer corps.

At the Demon Slayer Corps*

"Were here now y/n" Muichiro told you
You haven't heard him because you were gaping at where you are
*Unbelievable...I'm finally here...The Demon Slayer Corps!* You thought as you gaped at the place
"y/n?" Muichiro asked you
"Oh!Sorry I got lost in my thoughts" You apologized
"It's fine" He said
You both walked inside and saw a girl with black to purple hair, she was wearing what looked like a butterfly kimono
"Hello, Muichiro-kun!" She greeted muichiro
"Hello Shinobu" He replied to her with the same dull eye reaction
"I see you brought a friend" Shinobu said while looking at you
"Uhm...Hi I'm f/n l/n its nice to meet you Shinobu-san" You said as you smiled at her
"Nice to meet you y/n-san" She replied returning the smile
"Uhm, Shinobu is Oyakata-sama there?" Muichiro asked Shinobu looking behind her
"Oh yes, We were just discussing about a new mission he assigned for me and Tomioka-san"
Shinobu said
"Great, I will be talking to him about something important" Muichiro said "y/n stay here" he told you
"Ok" You replied as you watched him walk away
"y/n is it? How did you meet muichiro?" Shinobu asked you
"Oh yeah, I met Muichiro in the forest last night, er... I got lost that's why" You told her feeling embarrassed
"Oh...No need to feel embarrassed about that it's fine!" She said cheerfully as though she read your mind "Just to let you know...we don't know much of Muichiro-Kun's past..." She said as she looked down on the floor
"What do you mean?" You asked her curiously
"Well...All I know about Muichiro's past is that he had a twin brother named Yuichiro...But he was killed by a demon...We don't know exactly what happened to his parents or if his parents are still alive" She explained sadly
"Oh...So does that mean he hasn't told you what happened in his past?" You asked her
"No...He couldn't remember much of his past since he lost his memory when he was 11 years old the same age his brother died" She explained
*So that's all he can remember from his past...* You thought
Suddenly Muichiro came out of the door and walked toward both of you
"Oyakata-sama wants to talk to you y/n" He said
"M-Me-?" You stammered, He nodded "Uhm...Ok..." You said as you stood up
"See you later y/n-san!" Shinobu said
"You to Shinobu!" You waved at her


"Ah, y/n is that you?" Oyakata asked you
"Y-Yes...You called for me?" You stammered
"Yes I did...I'd like you to be Muichiro's tsuguko" He explained
"His Tsuguko? But Why?" You asked him
"After explaining what you've bonded to muichiro the past day, I thought you might be helpful to him..." He smiled as he explained
"What kind of help to him?" You asked really confused
"You see, I don't know if Shinobu has told you about muichiro losing his memory at the age of 11" He explained
"Yes Shinobu-san has told me about that" You said
"So will you do this a favor for me and be Muichiro's tusguko?" He asked you
"Yes I will" You replied to him in a proud voice
"Great! you will be staying at the Mist Estate from now on, Muichiro will train you, you also should ask him about his brother and his past" He explained
"Yes sir, I won't fail you" You said as you bowed
"I expect you to help Muichiro retrieve his memories y/n" He smiled at you "You can go now y/n, thank you for this conversation" He said
"Thank you to Oyakata-sama" You said as you closed the door
"So...What did you talk about?" Muichiro asked you
"Well...He told me about being you're tsuguko..." You told him
"Being my Tsuguko?" He asked surprised
"Yeah" You replied
"Tokito!" Someone called Muichiro and you looked behind to see a guy with yellow to red hair
"Ah, Rengoku-san" Muichiro said
"I heard from oyakata-sama that you have a tsuguko now" Rengoku said beaming at him
"Yeah,meet y/n my tsuguko" Muichiro introduced you to him
"Hi I'm f/n l/n nice to meet you!" You said while smiling at him
"Well you mightily look like the same age as Muichiro here" He said as he flashed you a smile
"Well...Im actually 13 years old" You explained
"Well Well, muichiro you found yourself a young tsuguko!" He beamed at muichiro
"Ish...She's only a year younger than me" He told rengokou 
"Its still young tho!" He beamed "Anyways I have to go now, well the other hashira's are looking for you to muichiro" he explained
"Tell them im coming" muichiro said "want to come with me?" he asked you:T-To meet the other hashira's-?I- Yeah sure" You said a bit flattered
"Great, then let's go" Muichiro said as he held your hand unexpectedly which made you turn bright red a bit


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