Brutal Thoughts

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[ Brutal Thoughts ]

I said this that night
That it feels like the walls are closing in
I shared this dark side of me that moment
When I slowly unraveled my pack of fears
Like I was unwrapping a mysterious gift to thee

It has come again tonight
I was about to call and tell you all I used to say
Until I learnt the smell on my chest is no longer yours
The taste on my lips doesn't belong to you

I will break, tonight, all alone
In these mental chaos that feels like the "2012" scences
And I am fighting for survival
This time with my palms all against my face
Trying so hard to convince myself, it is all okay

Coming back here, happened so soon
Back to where someone else swings on every letter I perfectly place
That was too soon, too soon that everything still feels the same
I could still feel your hands slipping out of mine even today

I still love you, fearfully
And I will run with this truth until I crash myself into another heart
It will take another life to find your amrs a place to go
Another Adam to find you worth of Cane and Abel, again.

[ ©Mofenyi Nkadimeng ]
[ 2020 ]

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