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Shit, I hate it, how it haunts me
Like it is me who broke it
Why the fuck did you let it all burn out?
Yet you made promises that you won't leave

I asked if I should be worried
"I won't leave you alright?" fucken lied
When you left I swore I was not going to cry
Neither look back
I ran, believing I am leaving everything behind
But today, I am right where I was, minutes after we said our goodbyes

How do I take it, knowing someone else is making you laugh and that is not me?
When I said I am leaving, why the fuck did you let me?
Couldn't you pull me into your arms just one more time?
Like I did whenever you fucken broken out of me!

Wasn't it surprising to you, how I moved from forever, to not ever?
It is crazy, I took so long to let go
Thinking how much it was going to break you
Meanwhile it was me who was going to need a savior

I still want it, the sleepovers and fucken assurances
The long walks and the peace you brought me
That was all haven for me
But homes can turn to hell too
And I was beginning to burn in my safe haven too

I wouldn't mind to dance in the fire with you
If only you could've saw the fucken need to.

[ ©Mofenyi Nkadimeng ]
[ 2020 ]

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