Chapter 1: Meet Eren Jaeger

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My shrill alarm clock rang, echoing through my room. Despite moving to Rose 2 weeks ago, my belongings were still in boxes. I perched myself up on my elbow and groaned loudly. I opened my eyes, trying to adjust them to the bright sunshine that was flooding into my room through my big ass windows.Today was the day that I started at Rose High after the summer break. I was dreading everything about it. Just the thought of it made my stomach knot. I know what you're thinking; Eren, why would you be so scared of going to a new high school? I get bullied because of my nerdy appearance a lot. I'm at the bottom of the so called "High School Food Chain" which are the nerds. I was always the loner even back in Maria High.

I rubbed my eyes, getting the sleep dust out of them and reached over to my bedside table, picking up my black-rimmed glasses and slipping them onto the bridge of my nose. I ran a hand through my hair and got out of my bed, nearly tripping over a box in the process.

"God Dammit Eren, get your shit together," I said to no one in particular.

I padded over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked at my reflection and what I saw scared me. I had extremely dark circles due to my tossing and turning last night and maybe some dark thoughts but that wasn't the point. My face was sickly pale and that's something because my skin is usually an olive-y colour. My brown hair was sticking up in all directions. I grunted in annoyance.

After brushing my hair and slightly straightening it I brushed my teeth and face.

"Oh well, not much I can do about my face," I sadly thought. The reason I was putting so much effort into looking presentable is because I didn't want to be the loner again. I usually don't give a shit about what I look like. I opened my wardrobe and chose the only outfit that was actually clean and ironed. A white loose t-shirt, a pair of dark denim jeans and a light-wash jean jacket. I quickly laced up my red sneakers and looked in the mirror.


I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard my mother shrieking.

"COMING!" I yelled back, equally as loud. I ran down the stairs and went into the kitchen, yawning. My father was at the dining table, reading a newspaper and sipping from a mug, presumably coffee. My mother was standing over the stove, cooking breakfast in a pan.


"Good morning Eren!", my father cheerfully greeted. "Looking forward to your new school?"

I threw him a look that said are-you-fucking-kidding-me?

"Sit down Eren," my mother said. I didn't dare disobey her. A few minutes later, eggs and sausages were dished onto my plate and I immediately began wolfing them down. I chugged down a glass of orange juice and checked the time on my wrist-watch. 8:45. I stood up from the kitchen table and pushed my chair in.

"I gotta go now." I gave both of my parents a peck on their cheeks and swung my backpack on my back.

"Be careful son!"

"Make some friends Eren!"

I rolled my eyes at the last comment and made my way out of the door.


I stared at the school. It was in a decent condition but its size struck me with awe. It was at least the size of a football pitch, maybe even more. People were already walking through the door in little groups. I felt my stomach knot. They already had friends...

"Eren, you are going to go there, make some friends, get through this first day and have a fucking blast of a time."

After the quick pep talk I mentally gave myself, I started walking towards the entrance. You know when you're in a crowded place and it feels like everyone is looking at you and secretly laughing at you? Yeah, that's how I felt as I walked down the big-ass hallway. I found the secretary office easily enough and went up to it. I knocked on the glass window and a woman in her twenties with short silver hair, glasses and a pissed off expression slid the glass window to the other side.

"Yes, how may I help you?" she asked monotonously. I gulped.

"Hi, I'm Eren Jaeger, the new transfer student." I mentally congratulated myself for not stumbling over my words.

She looked at her computer and typed something before looking back at me.

"Ah yes. Eren Jaeger, 16 years old, moved from Maria correct?" I nodded. She gave me my timetable, my locker key with a little keychain that said the number on it and a map of the school.

"Your locker number is 645 and you're on the west wing."

"Thank you," I mumbled. I opened the map and it turned out that my classes were all the way on the other side of the school.

"Shit," I cursed. My first class started in 10 minutes. I jogged through the school, my eyes trained on nothing but the map. I had accidentally ran into a few poles and lockers beforehand but about a few minutes later, I bump into someone and nearly fall down.

"Watch where you're going, I mumble. I look up from my map and the colour from my face drains. I so wish I could take my words back.

In front of me stood a short-ish guy. He had black hair that was shaved in an undercut, thin eyebrows, icy grey eyes, and it looked like he had a permanent pissed off expression. He had a black nose ring, a black eyebrow stud, 3 black piercings that ran along each side of his nose in the shape of spikes and a black lip ring. He had a tattoo that spelled out "loyalty" on his collar bones in fancy lettering. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans, black boots, a black t-shirt and he wore a black coat with a furry hood over it.

Even though the guy was way shorter than me, he had this intimidating aura coming off of him.

"Oi, shitface. What did you just tell me?"

"A-Ah, I'm sorry."

"Tch. You're gonna regret this after school."

He walked past me, bumping shoulders with me on purpose.

I have a feeling this won't be the last time I'm going to bump into shortstacks.

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