★1."Just don't"★

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Teresa was sitting on a chair , in a empty room . She looked around her and saw RatMan coming towards her whispering laughs .
"You are going to kill your best friend." he calmely said as he smiled .
" No ! " Teresa shouted , trying to sit up.
" Oh yes. "he said as he walked away.

Next thing , Teresa remembers is Thomas's expression when he found out she tried to save him . But she also betrayed him .
"I should've knew that you're the betrayer . " he said disspointed.
"Tom I-"  Teresa started to say but he cutt her off .
"Just don't." he said as he walked away letting her alone . again .

"Tom!" she shouted as she fell of the bed , cold tears on her face . She looked in her own reflection in the mirror . She was devasted .  She haven't slept for days . Thought she tried but all that she dreamt of were nightmares . She felt a soft hand on her shoulder . She weakley smiled as he turned her to look at her. She looked in his eyes for like it seem forever .

"Nightmares , again ?  " he softley asked as she just nod.

He always helped her . He didnt got any nightmares . Nobody didnt . Just Teresa . That was  weird for her  , but Thomas was there for her anyway .

He looked at her then pull her into a tight hug . "It's ok Ter'." he said as he rubbed her back .

She smiled . "Thanks  Tom." she mumbled into his hair as they were still hugging . 

She was feeling better im his arms .

Some noises  , more like a metal thing , were heared from outside. They could not even say something about that or pull out of the hug because Gally burst in  screaming 'Rise and shine greenie."  he looked at them and then winked ."greenies. tree actually." he continued laughing.

"We are just two , idiot ." Thomas mumbled.

"Yet." Gally said still laughing.

"Go to your pole and shut up." Teresa said as she stood up .

She and Thomas  were the only ones who didnt changed their roommates.

Even Minho and Harriet did because everyone was worried that they would do naughty things . And they didnt want to hear moans.

Teresa entered  in the bathroom and changed her clothes and  then look at her reflection in the mirror. "You are strong . " she said to herself before leaving the bathroom .


"This is the bloody first time we are leaving this house so don't bloody ruined it. " Newt angrily say .

"What he meant was . Move your asses you shanks!" Minho screamed .

Aris ,  Gally , Jorge  and Beth weren't coming . Aris was too obssesed with a videogame as Jorge was looking for some things online for the house . And gally went shopping for food with Beth .

"Were are we going?"Teresa asked as she sat next to Minho on the comfy sofa.

"Exploring a hill or something  , Jorges said it'll be bloody fun." Newt said .

"It will . Brenda will show you the road   have fun buddies!" Jorge said going upstairs .

"Bye greenies. " Gally said winking at Teresa .

"Oh ,  just shut up  and go to kiss your pole!" Teresa mumbled annoyed .

Thomas sat next to Teresa , looking at her   . A amused expression on his face .

" We are doneee!" Sonya screamed as she entered the room    .

"Good cause if you we-" Minho was cutt of by a stuning Harriet that just entered the room .

"You look amazing." Minho smiled .

She kissed  him and he kissed back .

"Ugh , you two get a room."Teresa said as she sat up and walked outside.

"Hold on grumpy-cat!" Sonya said as she followed her .


They were now walking back  . They loved the view. Brenda was leading them the way home .  She almost fell of the hill but Thomas caught her .

"Like in Scorch Trials isnt it?" she laughed as she squeezes his hand .

He smiled as they walked home , hand in hand.

Teresa looked at them and walked

not even saying a word.

"Ter-" Sonya startes but didnt finish.

"Just don.t." she says as she  walked ignoring her .

They arrived home , Teresa locked in her room  as nobody noticed.

Brenda was telling everybody how Thomas saved her life again . Still holding his hand .

Now , Teresa knew that she had lost him . That the reality was itsfel a nightmare.

did ya' miss us?(we are 2 writers aye')
we dooo
sorry about this late chapter
we hope its big enough
love ya guysss.♥

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