Chapter 14

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Sorry guys but just saying go on My account and read Back to the Past. It's a book about Michael Clifford's Daughter going back in time by accident.
Also Oh my gosh thank you guys I looked and this book has 1.73 k read!

I walk into school the next morning and see Toby with Mary. They both glare at me.
I shuffle into the school and sit next to my friend Grace Degeneres. She smiles at me, her long ginger hair falling over her shoulders.
"Hey Ashlyn. You feeling better? I heard Mary and her friends snickering about it at soccer yesterday." She asks giving me in a weak smile.
"Yeah I'm better. I had a sadness party with my dads." I say.
"Gee sounds like the party of the year." She says sarcastically.
"Oh shush it was fun!" I say pushing her shoulder before the teacher came in.

*At Lunch*

I shuffle over to my usual Table. I see Grace and Amanda already there.
"Hey." I say sitting down.
"Hi!" Amanda says smiling.
"How have you been doing seeing the new couple...?" She asks.
"Not so good." I answer. "We dated for 2 years and this is what I get!"
"Hey he was a player your lucky you found out this soon before you got serious with him." Grace says wiggling her eyebrows at serious.
"Yeah at least you didn't Frickle Frackle with him! Sorry but I wouldn't want a pregnant best friend while I'm in 7th grade!" Amanda laughs out.
We all laugh before stopping suddenly.
We look up and see Mary above us.
"Hey losers! Where'd you get your clothes? Good will?" She snickers.
"It was ONE TIME PEOPLE!" Amanda shouts.
"Hey Mary I know I'm supposed to be your enemy, but I'm just warning you about Toby. He's a player." I say.
"Pshhh please it was only with you because he doesn't like to date fat and ugly girls." She responds. That breaks my heart immediately.
"Oh that's why she's warning you, bitch!" Grace says.
Mary looks offended then walks off.
I stare at my lap with the words running through my head. Fat, Ugly.
I never been told that by someone in person.
It's always been on the internet. I don't end up eating my lunch and dump it out before heading to class.
I just sat through my classes without paying attention.
When school ended I walked home still thinking about it.
I had seen hate on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. But never in person. I really hated Mary.
I opened my front door slowly and went into the living room.
There was my dads sitting and laughing.
"Hey penguin!" Daddy Haz says.
"Hey" I sigh.
"What's wrong?" Louis asks.
"Um nothing just tired." I lie.
"Ok well what do you want for dinner tonight?" Daddy Louis asks.
"I actually lost my appetite because-because uh The image of uh Amanda Spitting milk out earlier is stuck in my head." I lie running upstairs.
"UM OK?!" Daddy Haz yells confused.
I slam my door and fall into bed.
I groan loudly and try to think happy thoughts.
Ahah! I will think of my friends.
First is Grace Degeneres. She is the daughter of Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi. She is hyper, outgoing, athletic, and sarcastic. She can be mean at times, like earlier, but is mostly nice.
Then there's Amanda Somerhalder. Daughter of Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed. She's funny, outgoing, and above all just awesome!
I stuff my face in my pillow before doing homework.
After I finish I hear a knock at my door.
"Come in!" I say.
"Hey are you ok? You didn't eat." Daddy Lou asks.
"Yeah I'm fine just not hungry." I say. But in my mind I said Yeah I'm fine just not skinny.
He sighs and sits next to me. "Anything interesting at school?"
Yes!Yes! Dear god yes! Daddy help me I can't take it! "No" I say plainly.
He gives me I look that says I don't believe you.
I can't hold it in much longer. I throw myself at him and sob.
He hugs me tightly as I cry out what happened.
"But please don't tell Daddy Haz I know he will make a big deal out of it and get mad at me for not telling." I say.
"Don't worry I won't but if it gets too bad I'm gonna tell him." he responds. I nod.
I sob into his shoulder while he rubs my back.
"Ashlyn you are perfect. You have a perfect figure. Perfect personality. Dong ever think different." he says.
He stands up and leaves. I feel lonely now. Why did he leave?
He comes back with marshmallows.
"Eat!" He commands.
I shove some in my mouth each time saying chubby bunny. He laughs as I reach my limit.
I slowly chew it and nearly choke.
"I didn't want you to do the chubby bunny challenge" he laughs.
"I know but how much fun is it to just eat the marshmallows?" I say shrugging.
"You feel better?" He asks.
I nod and smile. I couldn't be more happy that I have Louis as my dad. It's awesome to have someone so caring, funny, and smart in your life. I lap my head on his lap and he plays with my hair.
I slowly drift off to sleep but snap awake when the only image I see in my mind is myself. But I looked horrible. I looked fat and ugly.....
"Shhhhh go to sleep it'll be okay" he whispers.
I slowly close my eyes and finally fall asleep.


When I wake up I feel two arms wrapped tightly around me.
I flip over and see Daddy Lou. I kiss his nose and he wakes up.
"Hey pumpkin." He says sleepily.
"Hey dad?" I ask. I had a dream that I looked different and nice.
"Can I dye my hair?"
He shoots up. "what no!" He says.
"Why not?" I ask
"Because your beautiful hair." He says.
"But I had a dream and I actually looked nice. My hair was all pink, blue, and purple." I say playing with my boring dark brown hair.
"I'll ask Haz but it's fine with me I guess it's your decision." he says sadly.
I fist pump the air. "yesssss" I whisper.
I got up to get Breakfast while Daddy Lou asks Daddy Haz.
I hear yelling upstairs and then it tones down.
They both come down and I get scared.
"Yes you can, but you might regret it." Daddy Haz says.
"Yes!" I say throwing my hands up. I do a happy dance while they laugh at me.
"Ok when should we go to the salon?" Daddy Haz asks.
"After breakfast because we have to go on the Ellen show today." Daddy Lou says.

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