152 Days Away.

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I walked fast leaving my phone away and while walking i just realized how angry my coach was. I kinda understand why, he to be more than expects me perfect. In fact beyond perfect. My coach really thinks i am here just for a trophy , fame and money. I mean somehow he wants to feed my ego. He got it right .
It's been 9 years since i found my passion it started just from i wanna be a basketball player to i will win the first place. I've been spending 13 hours a day , practicing it's sad to say that i got no friends or a lover but that doesn't bother me anymore. Because I don't care about anything else more than winning , i know i will . I can't wait to have the huge price in my hands wait. but i must


"Goodbye Mom" !!!
"Goodbye honey, please don't get hurt Jimin and come for dinner."
"I will,don't worry. "

- It's my first day ! My first day ! The first day ! I am okay ! I'm okay! Wait i am at the buss station? Where is the buss Omg !

(Let's not judge Jimin he just came late because while getting ready he tried 7 different short pants from black to colorful and yet he wore the first one. The first was Yellow, Jimin's favorite color as we guessed. Just in the fear of losing his first practice Jimin decided to do the smartest thing he could think. He ran. But because of the lack of time he have chosen the wrong thing. Because now he had to run for more than 35 minutes get tired before his first practice which by the way the coach wil1 make you paralyzed for a week.)

- "Listen boy! It's 8:50 ! He is not coming!" (an angry Yoongi said looking at a young boy who was drinking banana milk.)
"But maybe something happened we should definitely tell our coach! " . "We need another player you know it " ( he said )
- For the last time ! The guy isn't coming it's been 50 minutes by now ! I need to practice! "But "- ...
- OMG! JEON JUNGKOOK just stop it!I won't wait for someone who doesn't know what having a responsibility means.

(And just like that loud steps and a heavy breath appears. It's Jimin, poor Jimin.He looks like he ran from another country, his hairs looking messy diss oriented and he is sweating like crazy.)

- I am so so sorry ! I am late the station. . i mean... before ! ( Jimin says but )
"WHAT? " "I don't understand a single word little guy!!" (Yoongi looks at Jimin with a weird facial expression)

- I, i think i will have a heart attack. (Jimin let a sigh of his chest when sat down to calm a little bit)
"Are you "THE "Park Jimin? "The one waiting for 50 minutes? The one who will be on our team? You look I've been so weak boy!!!
Jungkook !Bro trust me he won't make it, in at least one hour he will be dead.

- NO NO! WAIT ! I missed the buss and-and i had to run! Don't leave without me i need this!

(Jungkook even tho he was confused enough, he managed to speak)
"Wait- You were RUNNING?? "
- Yes ! What time is it ???
Omg, that 's why you look so weird! Please drink a cup of water! My name is Jungkook i - -
"55! "( Yoongi says and glared at Jimin)

-What??( The two boys said with a confusing look written on their face)
"55! " "Now it's 56 minutes waste! Because of you ! GET UP! I " must start the practice.

(And the last thing Yoongi did was glare at Jimin and leave the room. Leaving Jimin looking terrifying.)

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