Training (Chapter 7)

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His mouth moved down my neck and his hot breath sent a shiver down my spine. A feeling of euphoria washed over me. The feeling was short lived since Toga came into the room.

Toga swug the door open and Dabi quickly got off of me. "Ooo what was going on in here?" she asked happily. "Toga get out! And knock next time!" Dabi complained. Toga didn't even flinch, all she did was giggle. "Guys the plan to kidnap that 1A kid is tomorrow so I wanted to train with Y/N!" she said cheerfully.

"Uh sure." I responded unsure. I sat up and I was about to stand up but Dabi stopped me. I gave him a questioning look, "What?" I asked but he wasn't even looking at me.

"Toga, you're allowed to do it on one condition, use the most dull blades you have." Dabi demanded. Toga sighed but complied, "Aw, you're no fun" she pouted. I stood up and went to Toga's room with her.

"I need to borrow some clothes." I said. Toga just nodded and walked over to her closet. She pulled out a pair of black sports pants, a black bra, and a grey shirt.

Toga handed them to me and I walked over to her bathroom to change. I pulled off Dabi's hoodie and put on the black bra and grey shirt. I took my leggings off and slipped the black sports pants on. When I came out of the bathroom Toga had already gotten changed into the same thing I was wearing except her shirt was red.

"Where are we gonna train?" I asked breaking the silence as I slipped a pair of black and grey sneakers on. "In an alley outside." she responded and she put knives into slots on her leather strap that was around her thigh. (Sorry if that's confusing)

I quickly tied my hair up into a ponytail and exited the room with Toga walking behind me. "Does Shigaraki know that we're training and that you're letting me outside?" I inquired as we reached the front door.

"Nope. He's taking a nap right now. Waking him up is a suicide mission. Plus if we asked him he would say no."she answered. We stepped outside and I shivered as the cold wind blew past me. "Come on." she said, pulling me into the alley behind the old bar that I have been forced to live in.

Toga put her arm in front of me motioning for me to stop. After a second she put her arm down and walked to the other side. Toga turned towards me and got in a fighting stance. "Quirks or no quirks?" I asked while also getting in a fighting stance.

"No quirks." She confirmed. Before I even realized what was happening she lunged at me with a blade in hand. I just barely dodged it by pivoting on my right foot.

A hour and a half later

"I think we're good for now." I said while catching my breath. Toga nodded and we walked out of the alley back into the old bar. When we walked inside Shigaraki was sitting on the couch drinking beer.

I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I think he's been waiting for us to come back. "Oh shit." I heard Toga curse under her breath. "Look who finally decided to show up." he said looking up from his beer.

"H-hi Shiggy." I stuttered. I don't necessarily find him to be intimidating but he can kill me with his bare hands, ok maybe he's a little intimidating. "Don't call me that." he snapped.

I didn't say anything so I just looked down to avoid eye contact. "Well I have to go shower," Toga said and speedwalked down the hallway leaving me alone with Shigaraki. I gulped fearing what he was going to do.

"Where have you been?" he asked looking right into my eyes. "Um....o-out?" I stuttered. I really hope someone comes in here soon cause I do not want to deal with a pissed off Shigaraki.

'Hmm" was all he said. Before I could even reply I felt a pair of musculer arms wrap around my waist.

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