chapter two

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"Finley" her hoarse voice comes out in an annoyed tone, as expected. I knew this conversation was going to be made so much worse by me being late. She would start of mad, instead of easing in to her rage.

"Hello mother, sorry I am late I had some things to do." I let out in a fake apologetic tone, knowing if I don't cooperate this will be much more painful and take longer. And my goal of today is to stay the fuck away from her. I take a seat in the metal chair across from her, it scratching across the ground as I move it and my mom making an over dramatic pained look come across her face. She is always so damn dramatic.

"Huh, I am sure they were very important.", she speaks sarcastically as I unroll the napkin set on the table infront of me and place it across my lap. Not this game again.

My mother chooses to act like she doesn't know I party in every second of my spare time and fuck half the school. And I play along acting like I don't do just that when I am around her, even though we both know the truth.

We are insanely catholic I mean, I went to catholic private school my whole life, went to mass every Sunday, and prayed before every meal and before bed everyday.

Ever since my parents divorced that routine hasn't been as strict, but the rules planted in my head from a young age of no alcohol, no drugs, and no sex before marriage are still very much encouraged by my mother.

I remember when I was younger debating with my dad at the dinner table every night about politics and religion. And he said the only reason for sex was to reproduce with your significant other once your married. Like that was the only times he ever had sex, bullshit.

It is kinda funny though since my mom has broken all those rules as well, but still treats me like a felon.

I like to have sex what can I say. Plus it helps that people want to have sex with me, it makes it very easy.

None of whom are looking for a relationship which I appreciate. I definitely don't want to be in a romantic relationship, you just end up heartbroken, and I don't need that again. So to avoid people getting attached I don't often do repeats. And since my school is separated into two; all boys, and all girls. I barely see most of the people I sleep with which is a plus.

"What are you wearing." she says rudely breaking me from my thoughts.

"A dress, have you never seen one." , I snap back without thinking regretting it instantly as I see the anger flare in her. Knowing I just threw the possibility of civil conversation out the window. It's not like I care enough.

" I don't need your nasty comments today Fin, I am under enough stress without me having to guess where you are at all times.", there we go, why don't we all play the victim. I roll my eyes at the use of the nickname that she knows is only reserved for two people in my life. My dad and my brother. But neither are really in my life anymore so really no one uses it.

I hate that her playing the victim still makes me feel bad, not as much as it once did though. I know it is hard for her, her perfect daughter took a complete three sixty and became whatever I am now in the blink of an eye. But it is not like she is little miss perfect, and she doesn't even know half the shit I am going through. That's what makes me hate her, she doesn't care about me.

"You know I stay safe you don't have to worry.", I try to reason, putting on a forced smile to ease the tension so I can hopefully leave this lunch without any blood shed on either sides.

"I am your mom Fin, it is my job to worry.", now she sounds sweet, how does she do that? A bitch one second and then all kind the next. That is what is difficult about this to the outsider looking in, I look like the out of control teenager with her amazing, caring mother who I should be grateful for for putting up with me. Only if they knew.

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