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(Bill pov)

I wake up to loud banging on my door, lifting my head up off my desk, running a hand through my hair. I had fallen asleep in my office since I let Pinetree use my bed. "Ener." I say as I put my fedora on and Will comes in.

"I did a background check on those guys like you asked Bill, and it seems they were the guys you ripped off last month. At least the one who was beating Dipper was. The other two seemed to be paid thugs off the street."

"Figures, but how did they know we were here? I don't give my location to anyone especially if I'm going to rip them off."

"I found a message on his phone saying our coordinates but it's from a burner phone so I can't trace the caller ID."

"Well you did good little brother." I stand up stretching my arms over my head.

"What are you going to do Bill?"

"Simple, I have a feeling who the leak is so I am going to deal with him and I think it's time Dipper does more than just serve drinks."

"Are you going to have him join us?"

"Well he isn't allowed to leave ever and he lives here so he's practically one of us already." I walk out of my office going down the halls and up the stairs to my room. I open the door seeing Pinetree still sleeping in my bed, curled up like a little child. I admit it's kind of adorable. I go over to him and gently shake his shoulder watching as he wakes up slowly. "Come on get up Pinetree, I got a special job for you today."

"Okay." He mumbles tiredly as he sits up rubbing his eyes, still having a black eye from last night. I get up and watch as he swings his legs off the bed pulling his shoes on and tying his laces then stands up pulling on his hat. Grabbing his arm I pull him out of the room down the hallways to the lot where all the cars are parked. "Um, sir? Where exactly are we going?"

"Pinetree, when no one else is around I insist you call me Bill. And I figured since you did the best you could last night then you could handle more work besides filling drinks. So get in the car, we have a meeting to get to." I get in the car starting it up and see him nervously getting in the passenger seat. I drive out of there Pinetree remaining silent during the drive. About an hour later I park at the enterance of an alleyway and get out of the car, Pinetree getting out as well and following me as I approach some associates in the alleyway.

"Bill, long time no see." My associate, Kevin, smirks as I walk over to him as he lights his cigar. His two idiotic thugs standing behind him.

"Yeah, not long enough. I am guessing you heard about someone barging into my bar and assaulting my bartender last night."

"Yeah I heard, such a shame really that those men and the bartender had to die. Such a shame."

"Really? Dipper." I snap my fingers pointing to the spot next to me and he quickly comes up standing next to me. "Dipper, I would like you to meet my associate Kevin. Kevin this is my good friend Dipper, he was the bartender that got assaulted last night before me and Will showed up to kill those men who had hurt him." I smirk and see Kevin's eyes widen in surprise. "Just as I had suspected, I knew those idiots had to be told where to find me and only you would be that stupid to send them there, telling them I would be there so they could kill me. but you know very well that I wasn't so you figured they kill my bartender then I kill them so you could get away with it. Well guess what you fuck." I step closer to him descreetly pulling my pocket knife out of my back pocket. "You do not fuck with Bill fucking Cipher." I stab him in the neck repeatedly watching as his body falls to the ground blood getting on my hands. I look at his two thugs. Before they can pull out their weapons I throw the knife in the neck of one and pull my pistol out of my waitsband shooting the other in the chest them both falling dead.

"Stop right there!" I turn around and see Pinetree do the same, two cops pointing their guns at me, their car having crashed into mine. Just fucking perfect. "Put down the gun and put your hands where we can see them!"

"Yeah, like that will ever happen." I grab Pinetree one arm around his neck pulling him close to my chest so he's facing the cops putting the barrel of my gun right up against his head. "Back off or the kid dies."

I feel him grab my arm, hearing him quietly crying probably in fear and feel his body trembling. "P-please no.....I-I don't want to die....." I hear him quietly say. Taking pity on seeing him in this state I aim my pistol at the police instead.

"Shh shh, hush now. Just relax and play along, I promise no harm will come to you if you just play along." I whisper in his ear. Glancing at the cops I shoot one in the head and the other in the chest but at the same time he shoots me hitting me drop my gun and let go of Pinetree me holding my shoulder in pain. "Fuck! You fucking son of a bitch cunt!" I yell in pain. I look over at Pinetree seeing him looking at me and trembling in fear, his gaze looking at my blood covered hands. "What? What is it?"

"Y-you killed killed all of them...."

"Yeah no shit. We have to go, more will come and they crashed into my car so we need to go through these alleyways." I grab his arm tugging him forward but he refuses to move. "Dammit Pinetree!" Unable to get him to move I punch him hard in the stomach making him hunch over crying out in pain and coughing trying to regain his breath. Taking advantage of this I pick him up putting him over my good shoulder and take off running through the alleyways.

"Let me go! Get your hands off of me and put me down!" Pinetree shouts as he hits my back. I have to hold his legs down so he won't kick me. I turn a corner in an alleyway setting him down and cover his mouth pressing him up against the wall.

"Shut up just fucking shut up!" I whisper harshly to him. "Yeah I killed them. News flash, Kevin is the reason you almost died last night. And those cops would have arrested both of us, they wouldn't care about why you were there with me. They see you with me and you are fucked. You will never hear or see from your sister again if those cops catch you. Now I am going to uncover your mouth and you are going to keep silent." I back up lifting my hand away from his mouth and he remains silent, wiping off the blood handprint I had left since my hands still had blood on them. "Now we just need to get back to the warehouse and get someone there to get this bullet out of my shoulder and we'll be fine."

"You won't make it that long. Driving it took us an hour to get here and walking it will take even longer. You'll bleed out before we even get halway."

"Well you got any better ideas smartass?"

"I....I think I know someone who can help."

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