Just a Taste: Gojo Satarou

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The snow flurries kissed your skin as you walked further into the school grounds. You held Gojo's gift to your chest, trying to calm your nerves. You remembered how much Gojo loved kikufuku, and you hoped he wouldn't think you were trying too hard. The night you met him in the Japanese market he bought himself a box identical to the one in your hands. You did have to go pretty far out of the way to get them but he was worth it. You heard laughing and yelling spilling out from behind the door to the common room, a warm, inviting glow escaping from underneath. You took a breath and walked in.

As you entered the room you could see Itadori and Nabara standing in front of Gojo, holding a fistful of cake and yelling into each other's faces. You couldn't help but laugh, they were always going at each other while Megumi stood nearby with his hands in his pockets watching indifferently. You knew even though he looked uninterested he was definitely enjoying the show, ready to break them up if necessary. Panda and Toge were sitting at the table stuffing their face with the sweet confection while Aoi pounded the table, probably on another diatribe about another tall curvy girl he saw that he can't stop thinking about, as Maki rolled her eyes .

When your eyes landed on Gojo he was already looking at you. His crystalline eyes tracking your every move. His hair was down. The snow white tresses just long enough to graze the tips of his long ivory lashes. You offered him a small smile. The heat in your face rose from his hovering gaze, making your insides turn cartwheels as he started walking towards you. "Happy Birthday," you say, holding up his gift, slightly wet from the melted remnants of snow on your way in. He smiles a full beaming grin as he looks down at you, "Look at you being so thoughtful. These are my favorite!" He steps closer and reaches out to take the box from you, wrapping his hands around yours. His voice is low as he leans down and whispers in your ear, "I tend to reward thoughtfulness."

The noise of the party seems to fade as you feel the blood rush to your cheeks. He straightens up, sliding the box out of your possession and grazing the side of your face with his free hand, pushing your hair behind your ear. His hand finds its way to your chin, lifting it up to look into your eyes, "You know, you really are so cute when you're flustered." Of course this just makes you more flustered and you look away, squeezing your thighs together in an attempt to reign in the tension building at your core. Gojo closes his eyes and laughs, breaking the tension as he tucks your gift under his arm, "Come on y/n, now that you're here we can actually start this party." He puts his arm around you and walks towards the cake sitting in the middle of the tables.

You walk together and scan the room, all of the students are already here and the cake has already been cut. Were you that late? "It looks like it's going pretty well so far," you say resting your hands on your bag. No one else seemed to notice you were here yet, but as you walked closer to the center of the room Itadori turned away from Nobara to study you. "Gojo sensei, who's your friend?"

You wondered how he was going to introduce you. You only spoke for a little while in the market. He was asking you about which flavor kikufuku he should get and you didn't even realize he was talking to you until he tried to get your attention for the third time. He made jokes about how good or bad the different flavors would taste and you absentmindedly wondered what it would look like to see him put one in his mouth. The thought of his hands and his lips distracted you while he spoke until he cut the conversation short and bought a flavor you didn't even get to explain. He seemed like he needed to go somewhere quickly so you didn't think much of it but before he left he asked you for your number, "Just in case I need some more explanation on what things taste like," he said, smiling. Of course you gave it to him but he didn't put your number in his phone before he walked away, so you definitely weren't expecting him to call you and invite you to his birthday party.

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