He Sees You Cry For The First Time

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It was so hard to make you show any negative emotion, especially sadness. He never thought much of it, since he saw you as someone strong. The reality of you only being human hit him when he saw your hands covering your face while you shivered. You were hunched over and sitting on one of the hospital chairs that they had in the waiting room. Seeing you look so vulnerable and emotional immediately made him stay right by your side while you explained everything going on. He had only gotten a text that you were at the hospital and he rushed over without letting you explain anything.
You told him how one of your siblings had gotten severely ill and there was a slim chance of them ever being able to breathe without the machine pumping air into their lungs. You cried more while hiding your face in his chest so he couldn't see you. You kept apologizing for looking weak and thinking it made him uncomfortable, but he was the only one you could think of letting know where you were.
He didn't care and reassured you that you weren't bothering him. He stayed with you for a few hours before convincing you to take you home so you could rest for a bit while he watched over the rest of your siblings.

You had been going through a tough time at home. Not that you would be abused, but your parents fought every night and seemed to forget that you were home. It began to take a toll on your sleep and eating habits, meaning it began to show how you weren't taking care of yourself. At first, you would make a joke or flirt with the person asking if something was wrong. It always worked and you would be successful in avoiding having to explain. It didn't last forever, though. They began to genuinely worry on what was going on with you.
The first one to start pointing it out was Laurence. You had went over to his place, using the excuse that you needed help on your homework. You just wanted to get away from home.
He took that chance to sit you down and have a serious talk with you. He needed to know what was making you look so sick. So you told him.
At first, you were saying it naturally. But then your words got stuck in your throat and you could feel the tears starting to fall. You tried to talk again but you just began sobbing as he pulled you in for a hug. He didn't say anything, he just played with your hair and waited for you to say what you needed for him to do. You spent the rest of the day with him.

Your dog had gone missing. At first, the reality wasn't sinking in so it wasn't really affecting you as much. A few days went by and the others began to worry on how normal you had been acting. They were being as nice as possible and you would be confused at first. Like if they were expecting you to snap at any moment.
Then when Aaron went over to your place to ask how you were doing, you said you were fine. He didn't seem to buy it and he pushed once more. You admitted that the feeling of dread hadn't hit you just yet. He understood and let you be for the day.
A week passed and there was still no sign of your little one. That's when the reality hit you really hard. You went home after a long day of trying to find her/him with Aaron. Your legs gave out the minute you closed the door and you fell on your knees on the floor. He ran to you, concerned and he realized what had happened when he saw you crying uncontrollably.
He held you in his arms while you cried silently into his shirt.

The vacation in Love Love Paradise was done now. Which meant that you and Dante wouldn't see each other until Irene knows hoe long. Both of you knew long distance never worked so you didn't even suggest dating but it still hurt. You both had gotten really close, in fact you started to like each other a lot. Before he reached to the plane, you gave him one last hug and a kiss goodbye, feeling your eyes getting watery. He hugged you back tightly and tried to reassure you that this wouldn't be the last time you saw each other. Both of you knew that the chance of meeting again was slim, though.
After that you went to your own home, only to find out that you were going to have to move to a new street.
Imagine how surprised you were when you saw a familiar looking blue haired boy as your next door neighbor. You ran to him before he even noticed you and then tackled him on the floor. That's where he saw you cry the second time, but this time it was happy tears. Both of you didn't let go of each other until you guys knew it began to get awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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