Chapter 3: Men and Shiny People

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I awoke to freezing water being splashed on my already cold body, and jumped in suprise when i realized my hands were bound tightly to a stake in the ground. The ropes had already started to rub my wrists raw. Shivering I raised my head at my persecutor, scowling at the ugly face before me.

"Was that really necessary?" He frowned, irritated at my response, and dropped the bucket he had been holding. My braided hair had fallen into my face, now dripping wet. I could see my breath fogging up in the misty air.

"No slave sleeps while at the stake." Torz angrily snapped.

"You must be sorely mistaken in thinking im a slave Torz." Trying to wiggle my hands free but to no avail. He stepped close and threw a quick hit to my side, then rammed his hand into my arrow wound causing me to almost cry out in agony, but I held my tongue.

"I swear this guy will die by our hand..." Melith's voice deadly quiet inside my pain racked mind. Looking back up at Torz, his eyes a firey red, fury intered my being. I spat blood straight in his face, smiling as he reeled away in disgust. A frown etched his face as he came back at me, grabbing my light blond hair and shoving my head painfully against the wooden stake.

"Torz!" An uruk came rushing up, panting and out of breath. Torz's gaze remained locked with mine, never wavering as he pulled painfully at my hair.

"Its the ranger! He's infiltrated the camp!" Torz's attention snapped to the uruk, suprise on his features. Turning back to me he tightend his grip. I winced as his face got inches away from mine, his breath rancid.

"Were not done here." He released me and stalked off, his guard following close behind.

Melith suddenly appeared before me, worry on his face. He glanced around our surroundings trying to find a way to help when he got a sudden idea.

"Elisven. Do you see the slaves in the cages around us?" I nod, a sudden wave of exhaustion washing over me.

"Their hopeless, scared. All they need is a little moral boost, something to wound them up. They can break those hinges on the doors if they worked together." He smiled at me before sitting down on a rock to my left.

"And how do I do that, give them hope I mean." The slaves were watching me fearfully through the bars of their prisons.

"Well... You've always been a very good singer. In my book anyway." He teased with a genuine smile.

"No. No. I can't. You know i dont like to sing in front of people! I can't!!! And how is that going to give them hope!?!" I whispered back to him incredulous. The sun was just beginning to peek over the mountains giving the area a scarlet hue.

"It always gives me hope. Hooe that there's a good ending for us both at the end of our path."

His words left me speechless, unaware of the impact I had with certian things. I looked around at the sad faces staring in my direction.

"Do you guys like music?" Some shrunk back at my words while others stood curious.

"Anybody have any favorite songs? Anyone?" Still no brave souls.

"Shup up or I'll gut ya." One of the guards grunted before returning to his tankard of grog.

"Come on! You have to like sonething!" Suddenly one of the slaves stepped up to the bars, she was in a human in her mid-twenties.

"I.... I like music...." her shy voice echoed through the erey silence that had creeped over the camp, shattering it with her bravery. I smiled at her kindly, envying her dauntlessness.

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