i am so stupid

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We were walking back holding hands as I saw Randy's girlfriend/ex coming to see if he was alright. I suddenly saw her and my hand dropped from his as she ran up and kissed him.

"Omg Randy I am so glad your ok!" She said. Then with dissapoint in her eyes she said "Charlie? Hi?"

"Hi how have you been?" I said not respecting a reply which I didn't so I said bye and left.

"Charlie! Wait." Randy shouted at me. I heard but I didn't want to disturb them so I kept walking. They followed me being all lovey Davey as I grabbed my horse and went off?

I got back and I didn't eat tea I just starred out the window. I saw Randy about to sit down as he waved at me but I pushed my chair out and said "I'm not hungrey!" And I looked at him and walked outside.

"Hi Charlie!" He said!

"Hi" I said short and sweet.

"I walked out into the same woods as before. I knew he was following me but I ignored him and went a different way. I knew this way I just forgot.

"Charlie!" He shouted

"What?" I turned around and I looked at him looking a bit weird.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not. Its just because I can tell you are not right together! She is pushing you further in your relationship then you want to!"

"Its perfectly fine!"

"I don't think it is?" I turn around and walk; sticking to the path that lead to a forest park place that was quiet. I liked to have my own space there! It was all quiet till a load of people came expecting a tour. They were getting anything from me so I just sat quietly on the branch of a tree. This was the only place were there was signal which was good I guess! I could text my friends but not Randy. Before I leave I have to remind my self of Randy to get his number so we can meet up but only if he dumps um what was her name Natalie? Yeah that's it? Or was it I don't know but he has to dump her!!

I couldn't hear anything so I walked back to the place when in the corner of my eye I saw them holding hands and suddenly Randy was walking towards me.

"I did it Charlie!"

"Did what? Why is so crying? Did you just?"

"Yep I dumped her!"

I leapt out of my shadow and gave him a massive hug! He hugged me back as I felt a whisper in my ear.

"She is never going to step near me again!" Randy whispered to me.

"Thank you!" I let go of him and we walked over to the stables to get our horses. I hopped on Lisa and he got on Billy.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"ok now we can actually have a convosation?"

"What does that mean?" We galloped into the paddock to do some jumps. I couldn't do them so I was just watching Randy. He was so good on his horse. Its like the horse could understand English.

He got off of his horse and said "now your go! Do you want me to teach you?"

"Ok sure!" I said weirdly!

About an hour later I had to go being successful because I could jump over 2 poles. It was the middle of the night and I got a text saying hi? I replied saying who is this and it was Randy?

Oh yeah its me Randy. I took your phone when you were jumping and I got your number!

Oh ok. Hi. I need some sleep so you in the morning!

Ok bye xx

Bye xx

That was weird but oh well I am tired.

I woke up in the morning feeling good about my self so I got changed and went outside. I saw Randy talking to a girl so I shouted and he ran over.

"Hey!" He hugs me an I hug him back.

"Thanks for the text last night!" I said looking happy.

"I didn't text you last night?" He said with a weird face.

"What? I got a text from you saying its you?" I say with a hint of confused in my voice.

"I didn't it must of been my ex Natalie! Omg it was Natalie! She doesn't want us to be friends!"

"What do you mean. She is so annoying. I will kill her!" He grabs my arm and stares into my eyes and says "no you won't I will talk to her!"

"Ok fine I am going out on my horse bye!"

"Ok see you! Don't get lost!"

"I won't! see ya!"

Thank you guys so much for reading all this. I only made this up because I went camping and I thought of doing something like this. Please leave comments on what to do next because I don't know what to do! Thank you guys again and I hope you like the next chapter!

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