Chapter six

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The feeling of meeting your best friend again after a long time when all  shared memories come flashing back and u can't stop being joyous.  This is what happened i was trekking to the market to get food stuffs then i noticed a familiar figure  faraway walking towards the lane where i was, as the figure walked closer i took a good look and it turned out to be my best friend Zara.

We were happy to see each other again, we exchanged hugs and pleasantries she also gave me her number when we were done we parted to our destinations.  I went home with joy filled heart. I told mom everything and she was also happy.

I changed into casual cloth then i helped with some little things around the house since i'm off from work i have enough time to complete the the things that were left halfway by mother,  I managed to finish some though it was much. Later in the evening i prepared dinner after which i slept.

I woke up to prepare for work with sleepy eyes wishing i could just curl like a baby and continue sleeping but i don't have such opulence, I pushed myself out of the house walking along the narrow turn at the junction of the street i almost got knocked down by an ambulating car, i quivered in shock causing me to freeze instantly i was brought back to reality when someone tapped my shoulder whom i assume was the car driver, he apologised and offered to drop me wherever am going When  i rejected the offer but he insisted on getting me a cab which i couldn't refuse i got to work a bit late which cost me a tongue lash from hajiya.

All through the day i had a heavy heart so many things running in my head.

It's been a week now since i met Zara i had it in mind that i would call her one of these days, But unfortunately, my schedules we're beginning to become tighter than i expected.
I dragged the paper which she wrote her number from under my clothes box and dialed the number on my phone, It began ringing she answered the call after the third ring...

"Hello am i speaking  with Zara"

"yes may i know who i'm speaking to "

"i'm Aliyah your friend that u gave your number the other day at the market"

"ow Aliyah! Long time no see how are you and how is umma doing"

"we are fine, how is school and everyone hope they are ok pass my regards to them"

"How is school and studies"

"school is good i'll deliver your regards. How is work and everything going"

"well all are in the hands of Allah as only handles every Situations ours is to pray for good will"

"so i would be expecting your visit bye for now i have lecture to attend in 10minutes i don't want to be late. I will save your number so we can talk often"

"okay bye "

And that was how the conversation ended with me and Zara.

I saved her number then i entered Facebook there were  thirty notifications and fifteen notifications on wattpad 'huff' so many notifications i didn't have time to check my social platforms for a long period.

I began going through the notifications one after the other
and replied messages, i was happy to see updates from my favorite stories on wattpad i read the stories with joy. I love reading alot it helps me to think less about my burdens it also serves as a channel of motivation to me.


At the store hajiya was picking some stuffs while i held the shopping basket tailing behind her , when she was done she paid the bills and asked me to take the stuffs to the car, on my way out i bumped into something which felt like a wall and before i was able to hold on the basket all its contents we're scattered on the  ground, i did not care to see what i bumped into i just bent down to pick the contents upon rising i noticed that it was actually a human. He spoke which made me look up to his face and 'guess who', he turned out to be the same driver that almost knocked me down few days ago.

'Wow nice meeting you again he uttered' "i guess this our second encounter if i'm not mistaken?" " The other day i wasn't given a chance to apologize properly since u left in a hurry to where you are going".

"Since that day i hoped to see you again so i can apologize in a much sincere way, that day i received a call that a friend of mine got into an accident so i drived with speed so as to get there on time but then fate somehow had its way around things, that moment you appeared in front of my car  was when i jilted out of my rivalry".

I was surprised to see the person before me. seeing him was the least i expected , I could not find the perfect words to say. I thanked him for the cab, bid him goodye and proceeded to the car. Few seconds later i sighted Hajiya coming  out from the store, She entered the car and we zoomed off.


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