Tommy's Gone and You Can't Follow Him

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Ranboo expected what the letter was, but there was one part that surprised him. It was near the end of the letter and it said just how much Tommy appreciated him. Ranboo was proud because of that and he felt a bitter happiness, Tommy could go back to his home and Ranboo couldn't. But more than that Ranboo knew that he wouldn't be able to see his friend for a long time and that pained him more than he wanted to say. Over time Tommy had become like a second home to Ranboo and with the final line of the letter it was safe to say the same was for Tommy. Right before the end Tommy wrote down something he wanted to say to Ghostbur and Ranboo silently promised Tommy that he would tell Ghostbur. Ranboo promised his Best Friend.

The letter read like this;

Dear Ranboo,

I know this is unfair to you and I'm sorry, I shouldn't be saying goodbye to you like this. I should come over there and hug my Best Friend to tell him goodbye. But I can't, and I know you know why. I'm sorry it turned out like this. I forgave everyone long ago. None of this was their faults. I started the first war and all the ones after that, for what? All for some stupid discs. I burned them. I'm sorry. I wanted to give them to you. You can tell Tubbo to give you his disc if he still has it. If not then ask Dream for my discs back. I wanted to give them all to you. You are the only person I trust on this server, the only one I truly trust. I'm truly sorry. I know this doesn't sound like my usual self. But. I truly am sorry Best Friend. I want to be there hanging out with you all night again. So know that you are always welcome in the Nether with me. Ask the endermen for directions. I'll be waiting. And one more thing. Will you tell Ghostbur that I'm not going to be joining him. I told him that I would be coming to join him. That was a lie. I wanted him to go be with everyone else and not be trapped with me. Don't forget to tell him that he can't follow me. I think you might be the only person that can. But don't tell him that. Instead tell him to do some good things for me, so that we both can make up for all that we did. Just tell him to do it for me, but in truth he'll be making up for his actions. Make sure he remembers the Prime Log! Also, tell him I loved his blue and it always made me feel better. I left because I didn't want to hurt anyone else or have any of my stuff burnt to the ground again. But most of all I don't want to fight anymore. I have fought for years and I have lost everything for that god damn place. I don't want it gone like the old Wilbur did, no I don't blame Ghostbur for that and tell him that too, I just don't want to be a part of that horrid country. It tears families apart, friendships apart, and it corrupts people because of power. I would feel better if you would leave that place. I just want my bestie to be safe. I think it's better if you don't join a group on the server. Tell Tubbo that I'm not a part of L'manburg anymore. I have left and I won't be coming back even if he removes the exile charge. I am done with that country, I am done fighting for that country. And you should be done with it too. All that place does is hurt people. You can be truly free if you leave government behind. Maybe Techno was right. All Government does is hurt. I don't want to hurt L'manburg. But I swear if they hurt you. I will murder them. Because you're like my second home. I don't have a family anymore because they all hurt me. And the Nether is my first home. But I truly do love you like family. So if you need, I'll be your second home too.

Love,                                                                                                                                                                                            Your Bestie Tommy

Ranboo was moved to tears when he read that last part. Tommy had called him his Bestie, and that meant so much more to Ranboo than Tommy would ever know. Not to mention he offered to be a home for Ranboo. It meant so much to him and he vowed to never betray Tommy's trust.

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