Ranboo Wants To Visit

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Tommy has been living in the Nether for a long time. Tommy doesn't know exactly how long, but he knows it has to have been a long time considering that the english language felt foreign to speak. After all the only languages he has been speaking are that of the piglins and the endermen. There were no humans that lived in his city in the end.

Tommy was never tired, could go without water, and was able to eat anything that he could chew. Poison never effected Tommy, so Tommy could eat rotten flesh, nether wart, and poisonous potatoes without any problems. But Tommy never really needed to eat. He was fine without eating anyways.

He remembered the first time he had seen the city. Tommy had just been looking for a place to stay that was far enough away from the portals. Tommy didn't want anyone finding him. That's when he saw it. It looked like a huge city, but it was made out of nether brick, red nether brick, quartz, and netherrack. Tommy thought it looked beautiful and he trusted the beings in this dimension, so he walked towards it.

The moment he saw the gates he knew. This was Tommy's true home. This was the place he was supposed to be. When Tommy actually got to the gates he rolled up his sleeve, so the marking could be seen. The guards outside saw the symbol and immediately let Tommy inside. He saw tons of wither skeletons and piglins bow down to him as he passed by, blazes would shine a little bit brighter when he looked at them, and ghasts would sing that joyful cry as he was guided towards the big building in the center.

When Tommy got to the big building he was ushered inside. In there Tommy could see a throne. The throne was empty, but Tommy felt as though he belonged there. He looked around at the piglins kneeling before him, the blazes illuminating the room with their warm light, and at the crown he saw on the throne. The piglins told him to take a seat in his throne and if he put on that crown he would permanently be the king of the Nether. Not the keeper anymore, the king.

Tommy smiled at the idea. So he walked up to the throne and picked up the crown. Tommy sat down in the throne as he sat the crown upon his head. The crown was a perfect fit, it was snug around his head, but it didn't hurt. The moment the crown touched his head a blinding light crossed his vision and when it left Tommy knew everything about this world, what he was, what he was supposed to do, and most importantly the people that were like him.

As it turned out Dream was like him and Ranboo too.

But Dream was closer to a normal human than he was to Ranboo and Tommy. As Tommy was now a King and all Ranboo had to do to become a King was to go back to the End. He didn't care about Dream anymore though. If Dream wanted his help he would give it, but he was done with being betrayed so Tommy decided that he would not seek out Dream. He asked the endermen if Ranboo knew about Dream and they said yes. They also said that both Ranboo and himself were legends upon all of the keepers and Kings.

They both decided to help out another dimension instead of just keeping to theirs. Leading them to have the option of becoming Emperors together or staying as separate Kings. Tommy knew he wanted to be an emperor with Ranboo, but he would have to wait to ask him if he wanted to once Ranboo became a King.

Once Tommy looked at himself in a mirror that day he knew there would be no going back. Tommy had several scars littering his torso and arms, plus one going from his chin to his cheek on the right side of his face. Tommy's hair now held the colors of a raging fire, but his hair was soft to the touch and was fluffy. Tommy was still skinny, but even he could see how much taller he had gotten and how much more muscle he had. The mark given to him years ago that was once a dark black against his skin was now a glowing red, and Tommy loved it. It was a comfort.

But the thing that had changed the most wasn't his body or the netherite crown that now sat comfortably on his head. No it was his eyes. Where they used to be the color of the bright blue sky they were now red, but they looked like a calm lava lake. Boiling, but not with the intention to hurt.

As Tommy looked in the mirror now he remembered how all that happened. Tommy was content with the white tank top he wore, his ripped cargo pants he never wanted to take off, the red and white tennis shoes that adorned his feet that Ranboo had gotten him right before he was exiled, and the netherite crown that still rested comfortably in his hair. Tommy's hair was different, it was longer. It was wavy and blew around a lot even without any wind. His hair was long enough now that he tied it back in a braid that trailed down his back. But Tommy loved the way he looked, he was content.

Honestly Tommy expected this, but what he didn't expect was Ranboo to show up with nothing but a compass the endermen gave him. Ranboo didn't expect Tommy to look so different, but Ranboo loved Tommy's new look. Much like Tommy did. Ranboo still looked the same, but he had a more distinct and caring air around him. Tommy lead Ranboo inside his new home and they sat down in Tommy's living room area upstairs.

Tommy told Ranboo of his adventures in the Nether, of how he loved to swim in the lava, how he would go mining to keep his strength up, and how he loved to talk to the piglins that lived there. After he finished Ranboo started to laugh. Tommy was confused. Ranboo sputtered out, "You said all of that in piglin tongue!" Tommy started to laugh and apologized, "Sorry, sorry. I've only been speaking with endermen, ghasts and piglins for a long time. Hey, just how long has it been?" "Uh. It's only been about 3 years since your exile. They undid that though. About 5 weeks after I got your letter."

After that Ranboo proceeded to tell Tommy about how he never joined any group even though they begged him too multiple times, how they removed Tommy's exile, and how Ghostbur, him, Tubbo and Dream had all been doing good things in Tommy's place. Tommy sighed, "Well at least now all three of them have made up for most of their wrongdoings." "Hey I have an idea!" "Hmm." "How about you come back and see everyone for a few days! You can stay in my house and you can reconnect with some of the people as friends!"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."

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