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My hair blows wildly as I speed through the deserted waste land. There's something about the toxicity of this area that gives it a creepy, unwelcoming vibe.

I turn down an area filled with tall metal structures. There's nothing fancy about this area. Broken ships and buildings cover the floor and fill the atmosphere. Wires stick out in odd places and sharp pieces of metal line the floors waiting to cut into the softest shoe.

I drive my hover bike under a tall building that descends into a dark crevices.

I park my bike to the side and carefully step onto the ground and walk down the path to my home.

The broken pieces of concrete and metal create the structure of my place. It's nothing nice but it's functional.

I type in a code and the door slides open. I smile as I enter my place and set my beanie down on the counter with the keys to my bike.
I stretch my arms and take off my shoes as my feet step onto the cool concert floor.

When I first found this place it was broken to pieces but I could see the potential in it. In my free time I have fixed it up so that it fits my needs a style. I installed a secure door and fixed up the floors. I fixed the walls and installed appliances.
I still have to fix the roof from time to time but I don't mind having a little something to do.

I walk into my bedroom and set my bag of cash down in a drawer. I look at my face in the grimy mirror and sigh as I notice how awful my makeup looks.
I walk into my bathroom and grab a rag and begin scrubbing off he remains. The black eyeliner coats the rag as I clean my face.

I brush back my now wet hair as I throw the rag to the side.
I take a moment to stare at myself through the cracked mirror. A sigh escapes mg lips as I crack my bones and pull my cloak off. I take off my thick pants and put them away with my cloak. I put my snipper away with the rest of the guns that I've stolen over the years.

With a yawn I set my smaller gun down on my bed side and crawl under the sheets.
Even though I'm tired I don't know when I'll be able to fall asleep.
There's too much on my mind, but there's always so much on my mind.
I pull a cigarette between my lips as I stare up at the broken ceiling. My hand rests against my bare chest as my mind sucks me in.
I'm tired of this simple life. I have so much more potential then just hunting and stealing. I've been a bounty hunter for five years now and I've only had three missions. Everyone of those missions was something small like steal a gem from someone rich or burn someone's crops. I know I can do so much more then that.

I set my cigarette butt down on the ash tray and pull the sheets up to my neck.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll find some work.

I open my eyes and groan as I roll over in bed.
Somethings beeping and it's beeping loud.

I sit up and look over at my bed side table. My eyes go wide as I notice my transmitter is blinking red. I grab it quickly and sit up as I press the red button and a map projects on the wall.

My lips curl into a grin as I see the red dot marking the map.

He's back.

I throw off the covers and set the transmitter down on the bedside table as I swing open my closet and grab my gear.
I put my bullet proof vest on and the rest of my armor. Once it's strapped on correctly I pull on my thick black pants and grab my cloak. I tug it on and grab my transmitter and stuff it into my pocket. As soon as my boots are one I run out the door and let it lock behind me.
I'll regret skipping breakfast later but I don't have the time.

I jog through the rubble and over to my ship as I look down at the transmitter. The red dot lies all the way across the planet so my hover bike won't be fast enough.

I click a button and the door to my ship opens up and lays down against the floor. I walk up the ramp and flick on the lights. It's not the biggest ship but it's amazing quality. I stole it from a gambler on a planet seven galaxies away, it wasn't the easiest steal but it was well worth it.

I close the ramp and walk to the cockpit. Once I'm in the sheet I strap in and flick some switches that bring my ship to life.

The ground shakes as I grab the wheel and pull up. My ship slowly rises into the air and I smile as I see the sun rising.

I plug my transmitter into my ship so that I can see the map on a larger screen.

My lunges push out a sigh as I notice the red dot is over in the south region.
I pull up higher and take off as fast as I can through the sky.
A tune fills my head and I hum along as I put the ship in auto pilot and step out of my chair.

"Hey J," I call as I walk into the hallway of my ship.

"Yes Ricky," the robot inside of my ship responds as I open a hatch and begin to descend down the ladder.

"How are our weapons?" I questions as I walk down my storage hallway and open a compartment.

"Weapons are fully functional but the right blaster is at forty percent," J informs me in his robotics voice.

I nod as I make a mental note to stop by the west region to refuel my right blaster.

I grab out a couple guns and a staff and close the compartment door.
Once I reach the ladder I climb back up the hatch with the weapons in my hands. I bring them with me back to the cockpit as I hop back into my seat.

Navigation says I will arrive at my destination in fifteen minutes so I prop up my legs and lean back as I stare out into the desert sky.

Staring death in the eye Where stories live. Discover now