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No ones POV:
Class 1-A are all in the common room just enjoying each other's company, Iida is sat at the window and notices that it is raining but thinks nothing of it until it gets heavier and more people start to notice it. Kirishima looked around the room from talking to denki and notices that Bakugou looks nervous, kirishima stands up and goes over to him and sits down next to him "huh?" Bakugou says in confusion kirishima just smiles at him. denki notices that kiri is gone and sees him next to Bakugou " hey you took kirishima" denki says pouting "and?" Bakugou says sarcastically denki pouts anain and ends up talking to sero instead, kiri chuckles and looks back at Bakugou that a void bang of thunder hits, the room goes black and there are some screams when kirishima feels someone holding his arm tightly.

Kirishima POV:
I feel someone clinging to my arm tightly then the lights come back on every one looks scared but todoroki he just had a numb face like usual I then look at who is holding my arm and see a boy with spikes blond hair with his eyes closed holding tightly to my arm. Everyone the turns to us and sees Bakugou clinging to me in fear and there are some laughs and some "awww" s I nudge Bakugou and he looks up and notices what he is doing he pushes me away then gets angry "WHAT ARE YOU F**KERS LOOKING AT?" he say in an angry tone "you and kiri"Mina say teasing him, he blushes the stands up quickly and stomps to his dorm room in anger mixed with embarrassment.

When Bakugou leaves everyone looks at me and I blush slightly "sooo you and Bakugou ay~" Mina says teasing me, I blush more and cover my face I admit that I have a little crush in Bakugou but I don't think he likes me back " I-it's not like th-that"
" I think differently~" Mina says trying to make me admit my feelings but she can't make me that easily. Midoriya nudges me and whispers in my ear to meet him in private so I do we go to my dorm and lock the door

Midoriya POV:
Me and kirishima make it to his room so I can talk to him about Kacchan " what is it you wanted to tell me?" He asks with a worried look " don't worry it's nothing bad it's just about Bakugou, ever since we were kids he's been afraid of thunder and lightning" I say " oh poor Bakugou he must of felt really embarrassed when everyone laughed at him" he say looking a bot guilty " yeah I mean he's gotten better but he needs someone with him when there's a storm it's usually me but I think you should go with him he really trusts you" I say smiling "what do I do though?" he asks with confusion " he likes watching movies to distract him and he really likes cuddling his special pillow his nan gave him before she passed away and he likes talking to someone to also help distract him" I say with a confident tone "got it thanks Midoriya-san" he lets me out his room and he goes to Bakugou's dorm while I go to the common room

Bakugou POV:
As soon as I get to my dorm I jump on my bed and hide under my covers and try to find my pillow but I can't I start to panic but hear a knock at my door "Bakugou it's me kirishima"
I hear him say from the other side and f the door "come in it's unlocked" usually deku helps me with this kind of situation but I'm happy kirishima is here I mean I do have a little crush on him but I don't think he's gay, the door opens slowly and kiri comes in "he- Bakugou?" I don't think he knows that I'm under the covers so I pop my head out so he can just see the top half of my face he laughs and I ask what was so funny " you looked really cute when you did that" he then smiles and I blush and I think the he realised that he just called me cute his face turns as red as his hair and he starts apologising frankly waving his arms it makes me laugh a little and he stopes waving his arms and just stares at me " what are you staring-"
I shout and hide under my covers again in fear

Kirishima POV:
There is a loud bang and Bakugou hides under blanket again I slowly walk over to him and sit on the end of the bed and pull the covers off his head slowly "hey again" I say smiling he just jumps at me ands hugs me snuggling his face into my chest I hug him back tightly and there is another band and he holds on tighter and snuggles deeper in to my chest. After a few minutes I pull away from the hug and ask him where his favourite pillow is "I don't know I can't find it" he says I start looking around and find a knitted pillow under his bad and show him, he snatches it from me and mumbles "thank you" I just anime and sit next to him on the bed " what movie do you want to watch?"
"FROZEN! I-I mean frozen please"  I chuckle and put the movie on.
Ten minutes in the movie he ends up sitting in my lap and grabbing my hands to cuddle them I slightly blush but just rile with it. Halfway through the movie Bakugou's grip on my hands loosen and he falls asleep, I turn the movie off and Slowly pick Bakugou up bridal style and put him back on the bed and put the covers over him I'm about to walk away but someone grabs my arm and I turn around I see Bakugou holding my arm with tired eyes " c-can you stay?" He says in a calm tone I nod and find a futon to sleep on and Bakugou is back asleep. I go to sleep

~Time skip~
Still kirishima POV:
I wake up with a heavy weight on my chest and see fluffy blond hair, Bakugou is still asleep but not in his bed he is on my chest I just decide to let him sleep but he wakes up "hey sleepyhead~" I say smiling at Bakugou he just grows and lies back down "five more minutes"
But we have school today" I say playing with his hair "SH*T!" He sits up and is just sitting on my lap then jumps up and throws some clothes on in the bathroom and he comes out "go get changed idiot!" He says looking at me with a serious face " ok ok I'm going" I leave Bakugou's room and got to my dorm and get changed for school.

Whelp this is chapter 1 sooo yeah hope you enjoy and remember to vote
(Word count 1194)

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