Thunder part 3

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Bakugou's POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night under my covers and something wart holding me from behind I turn my head and see kirishima holding me I slightly smile and roll over and burry my head into his chest. I can hear his slow breathing and heart beat which sends me to sleep easily

When I wake up the next morning kirishima is already awake and drawing shapes on my back, I look up at him and his eyes widen and he jumps out the bed "s-sorry I didn't k-know you were a-awake" he said frankly waving his arms I just make a tch sound and pat the bed inducing him to home back

Kirishima POV:
Bakugou just pats the bed beside him and I tilt my head "come back and cuddle me idiot" he says with an annoyed tone, I do what he says and lie next to him and wrap my arms around him and burry my head into his shoulder "happy?"
"Very" he says with a little smile on his face I blush a little but I guess it was more noticeable then I thought "why is you face red?"
"I-I it's not"
"Whatever" Bakugou just falls back a sleep easily, I take this as an opportunity to kiss him on the cheek slightly.

After a while of admiring this sleeping beauty I eventually fall asleep too

Bakugou's POV:
I'm gonna be late for school. I try to get up but I have a heavy weight on my chest, I look down under I see kiri-shitty hair lying on my chest

I shove him off the bed and he stands up with lightning speed and puts his fists up still half asleep "W-whose there?" He says spinning in circles "shitty hair it's me and we're gonna be late fro school"  his response to that is him sneezing and coughing "I think I have a cold"
"Shut of course you do, I'll call Mr Aizowa and tell him"
"O-" he sneezes before he can finish " lie down"
He lies down and I tuck him in "why are you being so nice?"
"S-shut up" my face starts to heat up and I don't actually know why I'm being so nice something about him is just different to others


What is it?

Kirishima is ill he has a cold

Ok can you stay off with him and look after him?

Yeah ok

Thank you come back to school in 2 days

Ok bye


                           ~end of call~

"Ok so I have to stay with you"
"Really" he says smiling slightly "yeah"
"Are you sure you want to I can look after myself?"
"Yes kirishima I'm staying!" I said that more of a command than an answer, kiri opens his arms and pulled the blanket off him, he stands up and hugs me "what are you doing?"
"Hugging you" I just give in and hug him back

After a while I pick him up and he rapes his legs around my waist and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck I lay him in the bed and he drags me down with him "oof kiri I will get ill"
"Awww but I want cuddles" his face is to cu the to say no to so I just stay there and he falls asleep, i try to get out of his grip to get some breakfast but he won't let go "kiri I need to get breakfast"
"Take me with you"
"I can't your ill"
"Pretty please" he gives me puppy eyes and I can't say no "fine"
"Yay" I pick him up the same way as last time "I can walk you know?"
"I know but I wanna" he just hugs me tighter and I feel something warm touch my cheek

Kirishima POV:

I hug Bakugou tighter and just stare at him I zone out and unconsciously kiss his cheek

He swings his head so he is facing me and his face is bright red and when I realise what I did my face starts to heat up, I jump off him and run to my dorm

When I get there I lock the door and run and jump on my bed


Why did I do that I'm a fucking idiot, I hear a knock in the door and know it's Bakugou "kiri you in there" he doesn't sound mad he sounds calm "I'm sorry!" I start to cry into my pillow
"Kiri it's fine"
" NO IT ISNT IM AN IDIOT YOU DONT LIKE ME" I hear the door knob trying to turn but he can't get in "Eijirou open the door please" what did he just call me by my first name? " o-ok"

I open the door and he is stood there slightly crying "W-why are you crying" he doesn't answer but just hugs me really tight "what's wrong?"
"I love you Ejij" he mumbles into my chest my face turns red "I love you too suki"

It's short I know it was meant to be a one shot but it ended up being a bit longer

(Word count: 877)

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