Thunder pt2

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Bakugou's POV:
After shitty hair left I started walking to UA when I run into deku "hey Kacchan!"
"Fuck off nerd" I just carried on walking until he ran back to my side "kacchan?"
"What!?" I say stoping and turning my head to him aggressively "are you ok from last night"
"Oh y-yeah I'm fine"
"Did you watch Frozen again"
"S-SHUT UP!... and yeah I did" I said with red cheeks "did kirishima help?"
"Yeah, he stayed with me all night other than you 'oh I can't in need to get to my girlfriend'"
"Kacchan I'm sorry I rejected you but I don't like you like that"
" I don't care I don't like you like that anymore"
"Good" he sighted and closed his eyes then a girl with brown poofy hair and pink cheeks came over and hugged him from behind "hey deku"
"Oh hey uraraka"
"Hi Bakugou"
"Tch hey pink cheeks"
~Time skip to after school~ (dont ask about the random time skip)

Kirishima POV:
I was in my room when I heard banging and explosions from Bakugou's room but just thought he was mad at Midoriya until I heated crying, I ran to his room and say him sat on the floor with a blade in his hand cutting his wrist and blood all over his arm "b-Bakugou?" I ran to him and hugged him then he tried to get out of the hug but I used my quirk so he couldn't get out after a while he stopped struggling and hugged me back after a while I took him to the bathroom to clean him up

"Do you want a bath?" I ask doing my idiot smile "why?"
"To calm you"
"Fine but can you stay in my room" he looked a bit worried so I don't question him and just nodded. I ran him a bath and added bath salts to baby help him calm down "it's ready" Bakugou came in with a towel around his waist I went into his room and sat on his bed waiting for him to get out

Bakugou POV:
Stupid shitty hair why did he have to see that he probably thinks I'm week now I wouldn't blame him I am pretty week I got captured by villains and made all might loose his power

(in this story kirishima wasn't the one to save Bakugou someone else was don't come at me sorry)

Im worthless  I can't do anything right I always have to be saved

~time skip~
Kirishima POV:
After Bakugou got out the shower he walked in the room with a towel around his waist "give me one of your jumpers" he says with a serious face "why" I ask tilting my head "because I'm cold"
"Can't you wear on of yours?"
" no I want yours"
"Fine" I go to my room and get my biggest jumper that says 'crimson riot' down the sleeves and his symbol on the front, I go back to his room and he is sat on the bad with sweat pants on and an all might shirt I throw him my jumper and he puts it on and he falls back on his bed and cuddles with his pillow "do you want me to go?"
"No Iwantcuddles" he says quickly
"You heard me" I walk over to his bed and lie next to him as he cuddles me and snuggles his head in my chest I blush but hug back
A little while later I head his quiet snores he sounds like a cute lawnmower, I pick him up and lie him down in his bad and I lie next to him he hugs me tighter eventually I fall asleep
A while later Bakugou wakes up screaming I sit up quickly and jump it the bed and activate my quirk thinking there's a villain, I look around but see no one there I look at Bakugou and he is crying I go and sit with him and hug him tightly "was it a bad dream?"
"Mhm" he says in my chest "do you want to try to go back to sleep?"
"But we have school tomorrow"
" it's fine I don't usually sleep anyway"
"Bakugou that's not good, how much sleep have you had this week?" I pull away from the hug and look at him seriously "last night was the only time" I look at him with a worried face and hug him "it's ok I'm hear" he hugs be back and after a while he ends up falling asleep I lie him back down and get us under the covers

Sorry for the short chapter but I'm Tired and don't have any more ideas I will try to post tomorrow tho
(Word count 796)

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