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"I didn't want to tell you all like this, but our manager informed me that I should go ahead and do it. Uh, Esther can you livestream this please?" Kirstie asked the girl, who was standing backstage.

The band all stood still, wondering what she was fixing to do. Esther, confused, pulled out her phone, beginning to livestream.

"Um, this was a very sudden decision that I had to make, and unfortunately it's not a good one. I just want the band to know that I love you guys with my whole heart and I couldn't ask for a better group of friends. As to you all," She motioned to the fans, "thank you for supporting us, and me for the past 6 years. It means a lot that you care and love us like we're your own friends..."

Kirstie wiped her eyes, before continuing. "As of tonight, this is my last performance with Pentatonix." She choked on her words, sobbing.

The crowd gasped, screams were heard from various places of the arena.

The guys looked at each other, oblivious to everything she said.

"I'm so sorry.." She turned to her bandmates, causing her to cry even more when she saw the confusion and hurt on their faces. She had good reasons not to tell them. If she had, they would've talked her out of it.

Regaining her composure, she finished, "It was a last minute thing, guys. Recently, I have been dealing with some health issues. I haven't told anyone, but our label. With everything going on with me, they thought it was best for me to take a break from the band, maybe even permanently. I hope you can all understand why I did this.." She grabbed her mic, signaling that they could begin the next song on the list.

Without another word, they started to sing, their emotions flowing all over the place, and not in a good way.

* * *

"What was that out there?" Esther yelled.

Kirstie ignored her, walking to her dressing room.

"Kirstie, just stop and listen, please." Esther grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"I'm leaving the band." She said, her throat dry.

"Don't you think you could have mentioned it to us?" She asked.

"I didn't know how. RCA has been on my case for months now after that video of me being wasted was posted everywhere. They keep blaming me for the drop in views and purchases." Kirstie told her.

"They told me that if I didn't stop drinking, they were going to cut me. Well, what do you think happened? Scott took a picture and I was in the background, holding a martini. They called me this morning and said I had until midnight to tell everyone that I am leaving." She continued.

"Are you serious?! They-!" Esther began, but Kirstie put her hand up, signaling for her to stop.

"It's done, Esther. They've already dropped me." She said, quietly, not wanting to cry.

Esther pulled her to her chest, hugging her tightly as tears fell down her face.

Just as Esther began to speak, the door opened, revealing the guys.

Kirstie refused to look at them, afraid they would be angry with her.

"Kirstie, what-?" Scott started to say, but Esther answered, knowing his question.

"RCA cut her from the label. They basically made her out to be an alcoholic that changed the people's view of the band, so they weren't getting as much money as usual." She told them.

"That's-" Mitch spoke up.

"Stupid, I know." Esther finished.

"I leave in 45 minutes to go back home. They won't let me travel on the tour." Kirstie mentioned.

Everyone in the room went quiet, unsure of what to say.

"I can't believe this is happening." Kevin said, shaking his head.

"It's done, guys. We can't change their minds." She told them.

"Are you seriously going to let them do this to you? You're not going to fight for it?" Avi crossed his arms.

"Don't you think I've tried?" She said getting angry, "It's not like I wanted my job to be ripped away from me. Everything doesn't just go my way because I want it to." She stood up, glaring at him.

"Okay, you two stop it." Esther said, breaking their argument.

"Get out of my room." She told them.

None of them left. "I said get out." Her voice cracked as she was on the verge of tears.

They all started making their way out, but Avi stayed longer than the rest, standing in the door way.

Kirstie walked to the door, slamming it in his face.

Looking at her watch, she sighed, she had 30 minutes left to get to the airport. Packing all of her things away, she closed her eyes. What she did was for the best. Hopefully, it would be easier for them to replace her.

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