Work It Out

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Kirstie got up from her bed, shielding her eyes from the bright sun that illuminated her room.

Yawning, she walked down the stairs to wake up Adeline. When she had made it to the living room, she saw Avi and Adeline curled up on the couch asleep. She was confused, seeing as he never asked to stay.

She sighed, walking into the kitchen to make breakfast. After she had finished, she heard heavy footsteps behind her. Knowing it was Avi, she turned around, raising her eyebrow at him.

He immediately knew what she was going to say, "Look, I'm sorry for not asking. I would have, but you already went to sleep and Adi quite literally begged me to stay." He told her.

She almost forgot what he was talking about, for his morning voice captivated her.

"It's fine. I was just confused that's all." She told him, going to grab some plates. Avi thanked her as she handed him one.

They had already eaten by the time Adeline woke up. She slowly made her way into the kitchen, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Look's like somebody partied too hard." Kirstie said, laughing.

Avi snickered, looking at the tired girl. Adeline groaned, wiping her eyes.

"You want some food?" Kirstie asked.

She perked up immediately, nodding her head, causing Avi to laugh. Kirstie shook her head, getting up to fix Adi a plate.

"She acts just like you." Kirstie told Avi, without realizing it.

Smiling, Avi watching the two girls. He had dreamed of having a family like this, but he never would have thought it would be on these terms.

He didn't even know where his relationship with Kirstie stood. They were both acting normal towards each other; nothing seemed weird, at least Avi thought so. His feelings for her had never left, but she might not feel the same way.

"What're you thinking about?" Kirstie asked, breaking his thoughts.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing." He brushed it off.

"Are you sure? You were thinking pretty hard." She raised her eyebrows, smiling.

"I'll talk to you later about it." He said, going to put his dishes in the sink.

"Okay.." Kirstie said, furrowing her brows.

* * *

Adeline had just finished her one woman Wicked the Musical performance. Avi and Kirstie clapped as she jumped down from the coffee table.

"Go put the broom back where you found it." Kirstie told her, laughing.

"Okay, momma." She ran out of the room.

"What did you want to talk about?" Kirstie asked, turning to Avi.

"Could we talk about it in private?" He asked, hearing Adi run back in.

"Yeah, sure. Come on." She got up from the couch.

"Hey, Adi. We're going to upstairs okay?" She told her. Adeline nodded, turning on the tv.

When they had entered a private space, Kirstie waited for him to say something.

He cleared his throat, "So.. I was thinking and I decided that I want to be in Adeline's life from now on. I don't want her to not know who I am. That doesn't mean that I want us to get back together, unless you want to, but I just want to be her dad. It doesn't matter if we're in a relationship, as long as it means that I have Adi in my life, I am okay. I never expected to have daughter and now that I do, I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here with her." Avi said, rubbing his knuckles, nervously.

Kirstie went quiet for a moment as she thought.
Avi was starting to think he had said something wrong. "You know what, um.. I'm sorry." He stuttered, going to walk out of the room.

"Wait." Kirstie told him.

He let go of the door handle, turning around.

"I want nothing more than you to be in Adi's life. As for us, I don't know if I can jump back into our relationship so quickly. I'm afraid something will go wrong and it will affect Adeline badly in the end." Kirstie said, truly worried.

"Kirstie, when- if you want to try and be together again, I will be here. I'm not leaving anytime soon, not after meeting Adeline. I could never just up and leave her. She's too precious." Avi said, looking at her.

She nodded, picking at her nails. Avi walked to her, grabbing her shoulders gently. "I promise. I would rather die then ever do something to hurt her, or you." He said, looking her in the eyes.

Kirstie took a deep breath, "I know."

Avi smiled, nodding. "Good." He was fixing to back downstairs before he felt arms snake around his waist. Kirstie laid her head on his chest, letting out an anxious breath.

Avi wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back comfortingly.

They stood there for a few moments, before Kirstie pulled away, "I'm sorry."

Avi held onto her arms, "Don't be, Kirst." He told her.

She ran her fingers through her hair, taking a deep breath. "We should go back down. Adi's probably waiting." She said, walking out of the bathroom.

Avi put his face in his hands, sighing. He wanted to make things right with her. He felt like she did too, but was just scared.

Even though it may be difficult, he was willing to do anything to make this the most normal family he could.

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