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In the dark night of the forest, a brilliant white flash appeared. It ran, swiftly, through The Forgotten Forest.

The beautiful white Pokémon was not alone. A blue, dolphin-like tail flashed by. Leaves that looked normal rose upon a cream and brown colored body and ran off. A clearing in the middle of the Forbidden Forest was the destination of the nine graceful Pokémon.

And there, appeared the beautiful figures.

Vaporeon, his slippery skin slick with water.

Jolteon, sparks flying from his fur after its long run.

Flareon, her body hot from battle.

Glaceon, icicles forming on the tips of his ears.

Leafeon, his leaves growing bright with passion.

Sylveon, her ribbon like feelers waving about in the cold night's air.

Espeon, the two separate ends on her tail wrapping around the grass near her paws.

Umbreon, yellow rings glowing alongside Espeon's orb in the darkness of the forest.

And finally. A larger, graceful white figure stepped from the shadows. Its pelt was all white and it had 8 small orbs circling its neck, like the Earth would rotate around the sun.

It had a face like an espeon, except for the orb on its forehead was a glowing rainbow. Its tail was fluffy, like the eevee it evolved from. The inside of its ears was a gorgeous blue, while its eyes a stunning deep indigo.

"Megami," the espeon murmured to the beautiful white eeveelution in front of her, dipping her head in respect towards the mysterious eeveelution.

"Yogen," Megami responded to the Espeon.

Megami turned to the Umbreon before her. They were sitting in a ring in the circle-shaped clearing.

"Yoi'Yami, what darkness is coming?" she asked.

The umbreon focused on his skill- sensing the coming darknesses, dangers, and threats to their village.

Suddenly, a Large Zoarak appeared in Yoi'Yami's vision, blood surrounding its mouth and crimson stainined its teeth. The dead bodies of Eevee and Eeveeloutions were scattered across the campsite of the defenseless village. A bright flash hit the Zoroark and it fell. It was an Eevee. 8 spirits devoted their power to her and she became Omneon; what Megami was.

Yoi'Yami's eyes snapped open and a prophecy formed on his tongue. "9 full moons remain, remind them all this is not a game. One for all, all for one, when all is gone, the light is none. But one of us has power sought, by the darkness and evil the past 9 have fought.." he finished with a murmur.

The vaporeon spoke up.

"Share what you saw in your vision, yoi'Yami."

"Wait, Safa, he might not want to relive that," the flareon, Moyasu, warned.

"Quit being an eevee," the leafeon hissed.

"Aki, Safa, Moyasu, be quiet!" Megami scolded them. They all flinched and fell silent under the great Omneon's gaze and harsh tone of words. "Besides, Aki, not all eevee are weak and scared." She rested her cold glare on the leafeon before turning away.

"Yogen, use Future Sight," Megami commanded.

Yogen, too, saw the carnage that Yoi'Yama saw. Except she saw more o f the Eevee, Shinko.

"I saw the same," Yogen replied.

"Great," Aki, the leafeon, replied sarcastically.

"Aki, stop," Shaisaru, the sylveon, whimpered.

"Why should I?!" Aki snapped at the younger sylveon, causing her to flinch back in fear. Shaisaru hated violence.

"Sokudo, Safa, and Moyasu have powers!" Aki growled.

"We are the first three! Water, fire and thunder!" Sokudo, the jolteon, retaliated.

Aki continued on. "Yoi'Yami and Yogen are twins, with Future sight powers!"

"We did not put that upon ourselves, when Arceus created the first Omneon, they chose us," Yoi'Yami hissed in self-defense of him and his sister.

"Shaisaru and Nadare'Shi create life and death together!" Aki howled. "And that leaves me, with no given powers at all!"

The glaceon, Nadare'shi, gave Aki an ice-cold stare. Shaisaru looked at her paws, suddenly ashamed for not realizing that Aki had no powers whatsoever.

"Stop, Aki!" Megami boomed. Aki stared at the powerful Omneon with envy and sadness.

Megami's gems spread out and circled around her faster. Her eyes began to glow white. She began to levitate as a bright light formed around her, and as she spoke, it sounded as if an echo were talking with her.

"Carnage is your chaos and chaos is your fun. In the life of you, a Leafeon. I place upon your species' paws the power of a sin, the power to reverse the bad or let your dark side win.." lightning flashed and for a split second, half of Aki turned black with his white bones gleaming.

Everything died down, the howling winds, the lightning and the thunder, and Megami. The omneon turned away and gracefully bounded off, leaving the others to disperse. Yoi'Yami and Yogen left together. Moyasu, Sokudo, and Safa also left with one another, Shaisaru and Nadare'Shi left together too, leaving a stunned Aki into the clearing, still staring with wide eyes at where Megami had floated just moments before.

He just got cursed by an Omneon?

Or in a way, blessed?

He; along with all other chosen Leafeon; just like the others; had the power to reverse sins?

Aki shook his head, and, as he followed his path to home, his brow was creased into a frown. He could not stop thinking about what Megami said.

'Or let your Dark Side win..'




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