Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

Shinko prepared herself for sleep, curling up alone on her moss bed. As she fell asleep three shadows watched her.

"This is who Yoi'Yami and Yogen told us about!?"

"Yoi'Yami and Yogen don't lie, Aki," a heartless, frosty Glaceon hissed.

A Sylveon was about to say something when she remembered Nadare'Shi's normally frosty attitude and looked down.

"Come on. Let's get closer and spy on her," Aki ordered. Nardare'Shi rolled his eyes while Shaisaru, the sylveon, obediently followed.

As they neared Shinko's clearing, the night patrol, consisting of Zappa, Joki, and Gin, returned.

Zappa curled up beside his daughter after saying hello to his tired mate, who was watching camp.

Shaisaru acted like Hana and convinced Zappa to leave. After ditching him in the woods, They awoke Shinko.

"Ah! Who are you?" Shinko snarled, leaping back.

"Hush," Nardare'Shi growled. "You have been chosen by Arceus and Saisho themselves to lead a prophecy. We have nine months to train you and more will be explained as time goes on. Come."

Nardare'Shi led Shinko from camp, sneaking a different way to avoid the night guards.

"Young one, do not be afraid," Shaisaru murmured. "All will come to you in time,"

"I am Aki," Aki introduced himself. "Keeper of Sins."

"I am Nardare'Shi, creator of Death,"

"And I am Shaisaru, creator of Life."

"I-I'm Shinko," Shinko nervously murmured.

"Yes, we know," Nadare'Shi sniffed.

"There is a darkness that the last chosen have bested in combat, and that includes us and six others," Aki explained. "However, in a prophecy that our Foretellers Yoi'Yami and Yogen saw, the Darkness will return, eager for your powers to overthrow us, we believe. You must use your powers to beat this Darkness again."

Shinko stared at Aki with wide eyes and open jaws as he said this.

"I-I can't do that! I'm way too inexperienced, and I am still a child. A CHILD for Arceus' sake!!" Please, you must have made some mista-"

Shaisaru brushed one of her soft, ribbony feelers over Shinko's mouth, silencing her.

"We have nine months. That is a month to teach you in each eeveelution."


"No buts!" Nadare'Shi snapped angrily, a cold north wind blowing from him. Aki gasped from the cold and, being a grass type, began to hibernate by digging beneath the ground and only leaving his leaves to suck in oxygen and nutrients. It was his ability instead of overgrowth, unlike most leafeon.

"When do we start?" Shinko asked, concerned.

"Tonight." They all said in chorus.

"What?!" Shinko cried.

"I have prepared," Nadare'Shi said, ignoring Shinko.

He pulled out an Icy Rock from his red scarf and set it next to Shinko. Before long, she was a glaceon.

"What? I just evolved!" What will my parents say about this!?" She panicked.

"Wait, and listen." Nadare'Shi growled.

Shinko gulped, but, not wanting to be attacked, listened.

"I will teach you two moves today," Nadare'Shi said. "Icy Wind and Cut should be the easiest."

Shinko sighed. She suddenly felt very lonely and tears started welling up in her eyes.

No, she thought. I must show them I am strong.

"Watch out," Nadare'Shi said coldly. "As I control Death, I am cursed to forever feel isolated and have the need to prove myself. This curse applies to you as well."

Shinko nodded.

Huh, so that's why I felt that way,

"Now, to use cut, and icicle with form in you mouth and you will charge towards your enemy and slash at them. In this case, this tree."

Nadare'Shi nodded over to a gnarled old oak and Shinko nodded. She concentrated and an icicle formed in her mouth. She charged at the tree and slashed at it, but the icicle broke and the tree survived.

She tried again, but only to the same results.

On the 17th try, Shinko finally got it.

"Try it again, just to be sure you've got the hang of it," Nadare'Shi ordered stiffly.

Shinko charged forwards, an icicle in her mouth and slashed the tree successfully.

"Good. Now, for tonight to wrap it up let's try Icy Wind." Nadare'Shi huffed, grooming himself.

"Y'know, a shorter name wouldn't hurt," Shinko snarled under her breath.

"Then call him Nashi," Aki said, yawing as we awoke from hibernation.

"Don't. You. Dare." Nadare'Shi growled warningly.

"Like I care!" Shinko called over her shoulder after releasing a cold stream of wind and freezing the trunk on the tree.

"HEY!" Nadare'Shi barked, leaping straight for Shinko. She yelped and they rolled over on the grass in a fight.

Once Shinko broke free, she charged at Nashi for a cut. He was flung into the air where his paw was frozen with Shinko's icy wind. As he landed it shattered, but Nashi was keeping his paw off of the ground. Shinko could see that it looked sprained.

"Stop! That's enough training for tonight," Shaisaru said worriedly. Her feelers emitted a sweet, calming scent, and Shinko and Nashi relaxed a little.

"Shinko, tonight has proven successful because you have learned something. Nadare'Shi, you're a good teacher because Shinko passed! Now let's part our separate ways. C'mon, Aki," Shaisaru added when Aki looked ready to hibernate again.

"But the ground here's so warm," Aki murmured in protest.

Nadare'Shi hopped off with them, and in a flash, Shinko felt herself changing.

She blinked. The world around her seemed bigger now.

She looked to her paws to see them brown, not blue!

"I de-evolved!?" Shinko gasped. "They must have known and that's why they didn't panic when I evolved.."

Shinko trudged home and took two small Oran berries from the pile. She devoured them with haste before wiping her muzzle with her paw and curling up next to Zappa, who had returned, for a rest.

>:3 Once again credit to Pikagirl1527 for inspiration from her book, Faith the Eevee! 

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