Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

A young eevee sat in a very large clearing, her mother and father beside her. She glanced over to where two other eevee were playing, their parents, a flareon and shiny umbreon, purring happily as their children rolled about, kicking up sand and dust.

"Hey, Suna, Doro, can I play?" The small eevee asked, leaving the sleeping Vaporeon and Jolteon next to her.

Suna, the shiny eevee, turned to his brother with a grin. Doro, the non-shiny eevee, returned the gesture.

"Sure, O' great one!" Suna laughed.

"My, my, should such a highlander such as yourself be playing with a couple of measly runts like us?" Doro chuckled meanly.

"Queen Shinko, the lord of greatness!" Suna snorted, face getting paler as he lost air from laughing so hard. The same with Doro.

They were teasing her due to her ability; order about, (not a real ability, i'm lazy ;-;) making the other pokemon's ability ineffective immediately once they try to use it.

Shinko sighed and took that as a no. Doro and Suna continued laughing while Suna and Doro's parents watched, not exactly displeased of Shinko's mistreatment.

As Shinko waddled, defeated, over to her parents, Zappa and Shibuki, woke up. Zappa, the jolteon mumbled, "What's the matter, Peanut?" it was her father's nickname for her. "Just another dumb day of being bullied by Suna and Doro," I sighed. I curled up next to my mother when she arose. She was hot and steaming like a flareon. Unlike her twin sister Joki, who was a flareon, Shibuki had anger issues. Joki was cool as an ice berry.

Shishi, as Shinko liked to call her, stormed over to Korabuto and Kusa, Suna and Doro's parents.

"Why must your children make a fool of my daughter?" Shishi growled through clenched jaws.

"Her ability is literally Order Around," Kusa snapped.

"So? Her ability is hers to use when she wants. She doesn't have to use it for bad," Shishi retaliated.

"If you wanna start a fight I have a type advantage over you and that pathetic waste of electricity Zappa," Kusa pointed out.

For a moment Shishi frowned; then, an idea popped up in her head.

"Oh, Joki!" Shishi cried.

Joki stepped from the bushes, a pretty sky blue bow on her left ear. She appeared beside Shishi in a few delicate steps, and Kusa's smugness turned to sheer horror.

"Well.. That pathetic Tamato berry mess-up doesn't have a type advantage on me!" Korabuto, or Kora, hissed.

"Well, lucky for me that I know fairy wind and moonblast then, huh? Kabuto?"

Kora's rings glowed a brighter color and his fear was forgotten as rage at the old eeveehood nickname returned. He hated being called the fossil pokemon's name and was even bullied for it.

"Or, you're on," Kora growled. Just then, the deputy, a shiny glaceon, bounded over. Her name was Gin.

"A battle for ranks between Joki and Kusa and Shibuki and Korabuto shall commence upon Kanari'Bara's notice!" Gin cried.

A beautiful green espeon appeared from the bushes, her fur slicked back and her blue pearl shining brightly.

"The battle may commence," she whispered, taking her place upon a large mossy boulder.

"First, Joki and Kusa! If Joki wins, then Kusa's rank will go to last berry gatherer. If Kusa wins, then Joki will no longer be head hunter and Kusa shall take her place." Gin announced.

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