Chapter 21: Side Effects

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The night before the party London stopped at Russo's Bakery in Bloomsbury, an area in London. The Flareon wanted to give Moonlake the best birthday cake ever, so he got the best one ever. When London arrived the place was empty and closing up for the night seemingly, all the other bakers had gone home, only the owner of the bakery was there... Or so seemingly she was...

"What's up buddy!?" Nicki Russo, a Braxien from Boston, Massachusetts, shouted.

"I'm great Nicki!" London replied, sounding cheery.

"G-Good to hear" Russo replied, blushing a little.

"Do you have that super rainbow flavour cake I asked you to make?" London asked, taking out his wallet.

"Yep I got it! - here you go" She answered, then she handed him a Rainbow Cake with rainbow sprinkles, patches of other cake flavours mixed into it and electric blue frosting.

"Whoa, it looks just as good as the others!" London said, his tale wagging energetically.

"Thanks, I try" Russo replied, laughing nervously.

"So here is £53.00" London said handing her the money.

"Th-Thank You" Russo replied, sweating a little. The Braxien's eyes wondered around nervously.

London noticed her paws were shaking noticeably and the occasional darting of her eyes. Russo's bakery had been robbed in the past, but London noticed something peculiar about the bakers, they all seemed to just glare at London as they worked in the kitchen.

"Rus? Is everything ok?" London asked, worried about the welfare of his friend.

"They ain't my workers" Russo whispered.

London looked down at the floor, he had been caught in a trap by set up by Demitriyev. London went over to Russo and to her by the paw, then he pulled her outside.

"Go get the police" London urged.

"Wait what are you?-" Russo started.

"Trust me - please. I used to work for you when Yun was studying abroad in China, who else would you have trusted any more then me?" London said.

Russo took a deep breath, she was worried about him, she didn't know what he was going to do, but she was willing to let the Flareon give it a shot, "Try not to damage anything"

"Are they armed?" London asked.

The Braxien nodded nervously, "Pistols, one of them may have a SMG"

"Okay... You don't have to worry about me - go!" London said analysing the the situation.

With that Russo began running to the nearest police station, London pulled his Combat Knife out from ankle and peeked in, the mercenaries were clueless still working like it was a normal night working at the bakery.

London went to the back of the bakery and used a lock picking kit to open the back door slowly, he opened the door slowly the bakery kitchen was dimly lit and one of the a few of the lights were broken and needed to be replaced, the flour covered tiled floor was brown and made from bricks and the walls were white and covered in posters and recipes for the pastries, he pulled some black gloves from his pocket and put them on.

"What's going on?" One of the mercenaries, a Monferno, said, "I told her to stay put, that fucking pussy"

"The boss said he wanted a Flareon with red eyes dead did he?" A Mightyena said, "I saw him - but I couldn't shoot him because the girl was in the way!"

"I hope you didn't loose him" An Incineroar growled.

"I didn't! He must be smarter then I thought!" The Mightyena returned quickly.

"Of course he his" The Monferno snarled.

London crept inside and hid behind a rack with trays on it, he took a cup and tossed it across behind them. The mercs turned to see the back door completely wide open.

"Say, wasn't that closed before?" The Monferno said, his voice unsure.

The mercs looked at each other then they pulled their weapons out and began searching for London, the Incineroar was approaching London's hiding spot, London pulled his tail in and got ready to reverse thrust into his chest.

The Incineroar crept closer to the rack, then he felt something pierce his stomach, the pain from this was unimaginable, London climbed onto his back and covered his mouth as he fell to his knees and collapsed, from there it was smooth sailing, London grabbed his M9 and whistled loudly, the Monferno turn around and before he could pull his SMG out, London shot him twice and watched as he fell to the floor, all the Monferno could do was cough blood as London walked closer him gun aimed at his chest.

"This is for calling my friend a pussy" London said coldly.

Then he shot him again, before he could attempt to lift the SMG, the bullet hitting his left lung. London then left him there to bleed to bleed to death.

The Mightyena finally came around, when he got back to the kitchen he caught sight of the Flareon

"Good Evening" London said with a sarcastic smile.

He lifted his weapon, but London was too quick for him and shot him in the neck, he fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming seconds.

"And Good Night" London said, tossing the gun afterward, pulled his Combat Knife out of the Incineroar and wiped the blade with a cloth in his pocket.

Soon the police arrived, Russo was pleased none of the bakery equipment was damaged, the police closed the bakery off for the night, London was rewarded free pastries by Russo as a thanks for taking down the men, London headed home with the cake, which was completely unscathed. The Flareon was paranoid though, he knew Demitriyev was beginning to find out about London's personal life, and soon he might even would have to take matters into his his own paws if it reached Moonlake or Isabel or even Delevio.

When London got home, Moonlake was sleeping on the couch, he sighed and set the cake down in the fridge.

"Aww" London whispered, he scooped up the Eevee and set him down in his bed, but before London had a chance to leave the room he heard Moonlake sit up in his bed.

London stopped and looked at him, the Eevee got out of bed and embraced London.

"Even four-year-olds need their rest" London said, rubbing his head.

"I wanna sweep with you, I'm cold" Moonlake whimpered, pushing his cheek on London's stomach


"Pwease" Moonlake pleaded, using Puppy Doll Eyes.

"Do you only know how to use Puppy Doll Eyes?" London groaned.

"No, I can use Quick Attack, Last Resort and Headbutt" Moonlake said, yawning afterward.

London sighed, "Let me brush my teeth and change"

After he did so, Moonlake snuggled in with London and fell asleep quickly. London however couldn't sleep at the moment, he was paranoid incredibly worried too, his worst nightmare would not be losing life, but now losing Moonlake, Isabel, Delevio or anyone he loved or cared about to Demitriyev's goons. He knew he would probably have to move soon, because it would pretty much be the only thing between him and having a funeral for the little Eevee whom he cared about so much, changed his life, made him so happy.

I just can't loose this poor young Eevee to a Russian crime lord and the side effects he gives me... I can't allow it. I won't allow it.

Agent London Flareon Volume 1 (Clean Version) 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪🇩🇪Where stories live. Discover now