Gail Ignitia and Natsu Dragneel

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I'm so glad you like my story ;-; It makes me so happy to know people enjoy my writing. Just to clear up any confusion, this takes place BEFORE Lucy joins the guild. So they will eventually show up. Anyway, enjoy today's chapter!

Gail's POV

So, the good news is we got some money. Bad news is, we had to use most of it to repair half of a city we (AKA Natsu) destroyed. Even so, we've got 70,000 jewel each leftover. Overall, I have enough money to get a new wardrobe, and other necessities.

"Oi, how do you think the jobs went?" Natsu asks, scratching his head.

"Besides the fact that we destroyed half a city, it went pretty well." I laugh.

"At least we managed enough money to fix it! Not to mention we're getting you some new clothes."


"Yeah, I thought I'd tag along."

We're walking down the main streets of Magnolia, and I spot the Heart Kreuz market. It's an old looking building, mostly made of bricks and a rather run down door. But, it's no different from where I normally shopped at, back at home.

"I miss my family already..." I sigh inwardly.

"Oi, what was that?"

"Oh, it's just that... Um... In the process of getting to Magnolia I had to leave my family, I murmur. "The only family I have left is Brook and Claire."

"They aren't your only family! You have Fairy Tail now, remember?" Natsu says, smiling wide eyed at me.

I blush and look down at my feet. I look up and point at the Heart Kreuz shop in the distance. "Hey, how about we go there?"

"Sure, whatever you want. This is your shopping trip."

We walk toward it, and push open the doors. The first thing I see is a woman with scarlet red hair. I take a deep breath, and stop right in my tracks.

"Oi, Erza! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Natsu, I was just doing a little bit of shopping for the celebration tomorrow. I heard we had some new recruits. She must be one of them, right?" Erza smiles and glances over at me.

I smile and walk over to shake her hand. "Yeah, hi. My name is Gail Ignitia. It's nice to meet you. Erza, right? I've heard a lot about you! Apparently, you're the strongest female wizard in the guild! Sorry, I'm just going on and on, aren't I?"

"Oh, no problem at all! And that seems to be accurate, don't you think Natsu?" She points her sword at Natsu as if making a statement.

"Aye sir!" Natsu gulps. Apparently he's Happy now... By the way, where's Happy been?

"Well, I better get some new clothes... After all, that's why I came here." I slowly push Erza's sword down, to make sure she doesn't chop Natsu's head off.

"Alright, I'll let you continue. I'm looking forward to seeing more of you, Gail." She says, making her way to the door, carrying her newly bought items.

I walk around to the clearance racks, because the whole store is surprisingly expensive, considering it's in shambles. I see a long black jacket with dark red cuffs and edges, along with a salmon undershirt. I also see brown wing tip boots, and light blue jean shorts with a brown belt, plus some black fingerless gloves. I carefully pick out my size, and carry the items into the changing room.

"Oi, when are you getting out of there? It's been like 10 minutes!" Natsu groans.

"Natsu, you're completely exaggerating. It's been like 30 SECONDS." I sigh and continue to try on the clothes. A little later, I step out of the changing room and admire myself in the mirror. My dark brown hair with red tips goes perfectly with the black and red jacket.

I wander around the store, aimlessly looking for Natsu, who is nowhere to be found. Eventually, after a couple minutes of this, I proceed to the checkout and purchase the clothes.

I leave the store, and look through the window of a restaurant next door, to see Natsu spending his whole half of the money from the jobs, on food. Just food. Typical Natsu.

I walk into the restaurant, and sit down in the booth across from Natsu. It takes around 10 minutes of silence for him to register that I sat down across from him. "How are you not fat?" I mumble.

"Oh! Gail! When did you get here?" Natsu asks through a mouth of food.

"Like 10 minutes ago, you bonehead." I giggle.

"Hey, are you trying to pick a fight?" Natsu says, shoving the food down his throat, and stands up against the table.

"Wow, you have no clue how to treat a woman, do you Natsu?"

Natsu grumbles and sits down once more.

"Settle down, bud, no need to get so angry. Besides, my magic could never compare to yours." I lean over and take one of his fries.

"Oi, you're a dragon slayer. Of course you're a powerful mage. You just haven't trained enough." He says, his mouth full AGAIN.

"Speaking of which, could you help me practice my dragon slayer magic? It may be a lot to ask for, considering we just met, but I could really use the help." I say and grin at Natsu.

"Of course. I'd love to help out a fellow dragon slayer,"Natsu shovels the rest of the food into his mouth, and slams the money down onto the table. "Now that I've eaten, I'm all fired up!" He grabs my hand, pushes open the doors, and we race through the streets of Magnolia.

Hello, Gail speaking. I hope you like how the story is going so far, please keep reading, it really means a lot to me and Brook!

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