Scavenger Hunt

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Since it's winter break, Gail and I will be trying to upload a chapter every day... If we forget to one day, you can assume that we're with family and/or friends. So please, enjoy this chapter and leave reviews ;)

Brook's POV~ Later at the guild...

Since we had no place to stay the night, we hung out in the inn all the way across Magnolia from the guild. When we came back, however...

"Fairies- It's time to party!" Makarov yells and pulls out a barrel of booze.

"Oh? What's this? You think you can beat me in a drinking contest? It's on, old man!" Cana yells, already drunk.

I wonder what the celebration is for... An annual celebration? I don't even have a clue...

"Hey, Brook. What's this celebration for?" Gail questions, eyebrows furrowed. "I heard Erza talking about one just yesterday? But I had no idea what she was talking about..."

"You met ERZA? THE ERZA SCARLET?" I cry and slam a fist on the table. "I can't believe you met her before I did!"

"Yep. Erza 'Titania' Scarlet in the flesh." Gail smirks. "She was at Heart Kreuz while I was shopping."

"Ugh. I wonder where she is..." I mumble, looking around the guild for that incredibly recognizable red hair.

Just then, the curtain on the stage was pulled aside, and Erza stepped out. "Which one of you fools ate my cake?!" She screams as a deadly aura emits from her. She glares from one side of the guild to the other, frowning in disapproval.

"I think we just found her..." I mumble and sink lower into my seat. I have a feeling that it would be a bad idea to stand up right now...

Natsu and Gray slowly emerge from their seats, and shuffle back toward the guild doors.

"Hey, Erza, I can buy you another! Besides, the other new recruits are over here!" Gail cries, and motions for Erza to come over.

Erza marches over to the table we're sitting at, and eyes me suspiciously. "Did you eat my cake?"

"No... Sir... I mean Ma'am! I joined the guild with Gail and Claire! We're all the new recruits..." I stutter, and slink down lower into my seat "This girl sure knows how to make you uncomfortable..." I say to myself.

"Oh. Well, in that case, welcome! Me and Gail met up while shopping just yesterday. By the way, if Gail was with Natsu, who were you with?" Erza questions, and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh... Gray and I went out shopping together... I needed help finding good clothes... I'm new to Magnolia, see... " I stutter, and turn away as my cheeks turn a light shade of red.

Erza grins and sits down beside me. "Gray, huh... You look a little red, Brook. Were you really just shopping?" Erza questions.

I literally felt all the blood in my body surge into my face. "No no no! We also went on some jobs, you see, and we umm..."

"Mhm. What is the 'Umm'?"

"No, it's not like that! You're just... Intimidating..."

"That's to be expected from any newcomers. I'm sure you've heard a lot about me."

"Yes Ma'am... Can I just call you 'Erza'?"

"'Course you can. We're family now, are we not?"

I nod and pick up Dakota. He wasn't able to stay in the inn, so he had to stay in the guild all night. I'm sure he made a lot of noise... "Hey buddy, how were you last night? I'm sure you got a little lonel-"

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