The Imprint

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Dear Diary,
I just turned 16! But I'm all alone.
I can't exactly skip school like my family can so I'm fending for myself. Alice emails from time to time to check up on me, though I know she can tell if I'm okay. Bella isn't doing too well since they left.
She's distant. I'd talk to her but I don't want to upset her and I'm not sure how she'd react. Angela told me she was supposed to go to the movies with her and their friends last weekend but she got sick. Okay, I should go now. I think I'm gonna go for a walk down at La Push.

The young Cullen grabbed her copy of Wuthering Heights and her phone and shoved them into her bag, leaving the large home behind her.

She was met with the sound of waves from the forrest surrounded beach and a group of guys.
"Hey!" one of them called out to her. She noticed they were all tan and shirtless as she walked towards them.
"Aren't you cold?" she asked.
"Asks the girl in shorts," he laughed, "I'm Embry!"
"Grace, nice to meet you." she smiled and shook his hand.
"Grace, pretty name for a pretty girl" he said, making her blush.
"Alright, cool it Embry!" one of the guys laughed, walking over.
She went to greet him, but stopped, noticing his quick pause. He was just standing there, staring into her eyes. She noticed different kinds of emotions swarming in his deep brown eyes, something she's learned when watching Jasper.
Could he be an Empath? she thought.

"Hi." he breathed out, as if he'd just been punched in the gut.
"Hey, ummmm I'm Grace." she softly smiled, now cautious of his every move.
"Grace," he repeated as though he were trying on her name, "I'm Jacob."
"It's nice to meet you, Jacob. Um, I'm sorry, I don't mean this to be rude, but are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I think I need to go talk to Sam, I'll catch up with you guys later." he quickly said before racing off.
"Is he okay?"she asked Embry.
"Yeah, he's cool. You alone, imprint?"
"Uh yeah, just me" she answered, trying to figure out where she's heard her new nickname from before.
"C'mon, it's starting to get late, come eat with us!"
"Sure, sounds nice." she smiled gratefully.


"This is where you guys live?" Grace looked around shocked.
"He, yeah - didn't think it'd be so impressive."
"I love it! It's homey!" she gushed.
"Oh, don't stare at Emily. Sam hates it." Embry said.
"Why would I stare?" she asked him.
"You'll see" he answered.
"Boys! Come eat!" a woman's voice came from inside. Grace followed her newfound friend into the cabin to see a few guys and a girl sitting at a table. She felt a bit out of place being so small and so pale compared to the Native American's dark complexion.

"Hi, I'm Emily. You must be the imprint." the woman smiled. Imprint. There it was again.
"Imprint.. what does that mean?" she asked.
"How about we get some food in ya then we'll talk."
"Yeah, food sounds good." she softly chuckled. Grace got introduced to everyone. Quill, Leaha, Seth, and more.

Everyone was laughing and talking until the guy from earlier, Jacob, came in with a taller man who looked to be slightly older then him.
Embry stepped up until Jacob slightly growled, eyeing Embry until Embry sat back down.
"Sam, this is Grace. The girl we met at the beach." Jacob explained.
"You mean the girl you imprinted." The man, Sam, pushed.
"Okay, what the hell did you apparently do to me and why does everyone keep calling me a damn 'inprint'?" Grace shot.
"Sam, can this talk wait until after dinner? She's one of us now and we need to take care of her. But in order to do that she needs to eat." Emily said calmly.
"Fine." he sighed, before walking over, kissing her gently, and sitting down at the table.

Dinner consisted of chicken, rolls, corn, and more. Grace could hardly believe it, and wondered what Thanksgiving was like if this was a normal meal. Once dinner was over Grace eyed Sam, eager to know what happened. Sam then looked to Jacob who immediately stood up and looked down at the young girl.
"Walk with me?" he asked.
"With pleasure." she said as she stood, following Jacob outside.
"So, I guess it's time to tell you." he sighed.
"What did you do to me?" she asked.
"I imprinted on you..." he started.
"No shit, Sherlock, I gathered that. What is it? What does it mean?" she pushed. The wolf smiled at his mate's feistiness.
"I'm not quite sure how to explain it. But when you first meet someone, you can normally feel their mood. With us - I could feel you. It was like a magnet. We can't choose who we imprint, it just kinda happens." he explained.
"So, what - we're soulmates?" she chuckled.
"That's one way of putting it, I guess," he laughed, "Imprinting- imprinting is like..." he stopped, searching for the correct words.
"Like..?" Grace continued
"It's like... when you see her... everything changes. All of a sudden, its not gravity holding you to the planet, it's her." he finished sheepishly.
"Me being 'her'?" she thought out loud.
"Yeah.. c'mon, let me take you home. It's late, your folks are probably wondering where the hell you are."
"Actually, it's just me. My family's out of town right now.." she murmured.
"Oh. And they just left you behind?" he questioned.
"I still have school and I can take care of myself."
"Well you don't have to anymore. Now I protect you." he asserted, making Grace smile. Leading her back to Emily's he invited her to stay with him or offered up Emily's spare room if it felt more comfortable.
"Is Emily okay with that?," she questioned nervously, "I don't want to impose and I already sat in on your all's dinner and-" Jacob cut her off.
"Like Emily said, you're one of us now. And you can stay with me tonight if you don't want to bother Em and if you're comfortable." he said.
"Yeah, okay." she embarrassingly smiled.
"Okay, I'm gonna go let Sam know we're headed out."

The Cullen Girl (Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now