CH. 5

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[Sand Box]

(Min POV)

I went around each group explaining what they would receive as part of the program and what they had to do.

"...and the due diligence will be done by your mentor." I concluded to Samsan Tech, the last of the groups.

"What's due diligence?" one of Do San's friends asked.

"It's probably something like a due date." Do San whispered.

I tried to hold in a laugh as Dal Mi explained.

"Who are the mentors?" Do San asked.

"Well there's Director Yoon, head of Sand Box and SH Venture Capital, Alex Kwon, head of the Korean branch of 2STO, Mr. Han Ji Pyeong, Senior Manager at SH Venture Capital, Mr. Won Du Jeong, Chairman of Morning Group, and me. Your mentor will be decided after the mentor-CEO meeting at 3. If there are no more questions, I'll take my leave."

[Outside of Sand Box]

I went outside to take a quick walk before heading to the mentor-CEO meeting where I saw Grandma and Ji Pyeong. 'Ah, my two favorite people.' I started to approach them, but halted when Ji Pyeong raised his voice.

"Don't you have regrets? You could've kept your shop and sent Dal Mi to college instead of letting me go."

Grandma looked at him with kind eyes. "I never regretted it. The only thing that I regret is that I spent too little time with you. I know I'm no replacement for your parents, but at least I could've been that nagging next-door Grandma."

I almost teared up. 'Was that how he felt all these years? Guilty?'

[At 3 PM]

I was fairly surprised that the first team's CEO chose me to be their mentor. There were obviously better options like Director Yoon or Chairman Won, but I didn't question it.

I went into the designated office for due diligence. Everything was good until I saw the shareholder table. "This won't work. I placed the paper back onto the table. The CEO should have most of the shares, to protect the company."

"But all of us agreed to be an equal team." one of the members stated.

"Well, what if one of you disagrees? Your teamwork isn't going to last forever."

"How can you say that our teamwork isn't going to last huh? What do you know?" their CEO stated defiantly.

"Well, why don't you test this so-called teamwork out and decide on the equity distribution?" I asked, not backing down.

"Argh, I chose you as our mentor because I thought you would give us the least trouble," the CEO sighed.

The five guys started discussing, but eventually it erupted into a huge fight where they pushed and pulled each other aggressively.

"We're done! I quit. This ends our 20 year friendship!" Two of the guys stormed out of the office with their belongings. Several people stepped out of their offices to see what was going on.

The earlier guy sighed and looked at the mess while I stayed seated in my spot. "This is your fault!" he stormed up to me. "If you just approved of our team, this wouldn't have happened."

"If I didn't tell you, no investors would be foolish enough to choose yours anyway."

"That's it! I can't take it anymore," the guy raised his hand to slap me, but I instinctively caught his wrist.

"It's ok to not value my opinion, but it's never ok to rudely hit a lady alright," I let go of his wrist and walked out of the room.

Eventually, their team disbanded and I was left without a group to mentor. I went outside to the benches and lied down, covering my eyes from the sun with my right arm. Today really sucked.

I sensed someone sit down next to me and I peeked to see Ji Pyeong looking down at me sympathetically.

I sat back upright and we spent a few moments in silence, until I asked, "Can I borrow your shoulder?" Ji Pyeong nodded and I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. It was just like the old days 15 years ago.


"How dare you! You're just a parentless nerd! I bet your parents abandoned you because they hated you. You spend the entire day in a stinky corn dog shop and don't have any friends." one of the girls in my grade pushed me to the ground after I stepped in to help another classmate she was bullying

"You better take that back about the corn dog shop! My Grandma makes the best corn dogs" I struggled back onto my feet and grabbed the girl's shirt.

We struggled against each other until other classmates pulled us apart. To my pride, I was able to throw a solid punch at her face which left a nasty bruise, whereas I only got a small scratch. Although, unfortunately, none of my classmates were brave enough to vouch for me in fear that they would be the next victim, so I was suspended for 2 days.

Despite my apparent victory, my heart ached at the comment she said earlier about my parents. After school, I trudged to Grandma's shop, hoping that it would be empty so I could silently cry and get over it without worrying anyone.

I opened the door and to my disappointment, I saw Ji Pyeong doing his homework. "Why are you here at this hour? Your grandma went back home." Ji Pyeong nonchalantly stated, not looking up from his textbook.

I quickly closed the door and went to sit on the outside bench, sorting out my thoughts. After about a minute, I heard the door slide open as Ji Pyeong came out. "Min?"

"Just, don't mind me...please." my voice cracked as tears streamed down my face.

Ji Pyeong went against my pleas and sat next to me in silence. He pushed my head onto his shoulder and comfortingly patted my shoulder until my sadness passed.


"You know Ji Pyeong-ah, you don't have to feel like you're in debt to Grandma," I began. "I was there to support them even though I was abroad. I was also hesitant, but Grandma insisted that I followed my dream, and I'm sure the same went for you."

Ji Pyeong let out a sigh. "I don't think I'll ever be able to let go of my debt to Grandma. I just feel so guilty leaving with the money."

I raised my head from his shoulder and got up to stretch. "Well anyways, let's go back in shall we?"

[Sand Box]

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I guess we misjudged their team." Director Yoon apologized.

"Oh, it's no problem, really," I replied.

"I feel bad that you don't have a team to mentor though," Director Yoon sighed.

"It's fine. Besides, I think I'll have my hands busy managing everything anyways," I reassured her.

"She can co-mentor with me." Ji Pyeong stepped into the conversation.

"That's a good idea Mr. Han," Director Yoon approved.

I flashed Ji Pyeong an annoyed look but he just smirked. 'Aish, why did he have to give me more work and more to worry about?'

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