Chapter XXIX -Snape's Unbreakable Oath-

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{Talking on the fireplace/Two-way mirror}


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXIX

–Snape's Unbreakable Oath–

Monday, 28 August 1995


Harry woke up to Winky popping in before him and waking him hurriedly. He look around confused only to gasp. He was still in Hogwarts School Grounds!

He accepted the invisibility cloak and the Marauders Map.

"I Solemnly Swear I'm Up To No Good!" He whispered and the map activated.

Immediately Harry followed it down the stairways. Only to frown at seeing Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Albus Dumbledore together in a corridor not far away. He bit his bottom lip and then walked in that direction.

"I'm telling you, Headmaster. You Know Who's men have Harry guarded 24/7. You can't even step in the same room without a Death Eater to pop up unannounced." Tonks put in.

"Not to mention that for the past week he has gone missing. Apparently staying over at a lover's place. Not even Bones know where it is."

"He didn't even bring Sirius along." Tonks added.

Harry looked at them as the two Aurors spoke with the Headmaster. It took Harry a long moment to realize why that was. They were part of the Order against Tom. They were reporting to Dumbledore. Just like Death Eaters did with Tom.

What made them different from Voldemort and his men after all? They were behaving exactly alike! They...

A body passed by Harry's side. Harry looked to find Professor Snape.

"Ah, Severus. Any news on the upcoming visit?"

"Upcoming visit, Headmaster?" Tonks wondered.

"During the Summer, Voldemort has a visit of someone very special to him. His only weakness. The Infamous Serpens Black."

"No news so far." Professor Snape lied, even though Harry knew he had seen him with Voldemort already. "Now if you don't mind I have important things to do in Hogsmeade."

Harry took that as his cue, he turned around and hurried towards the passageway that would led to the Honeydukes. By the time he left the shop's door he wound himself face-to-face with Professor Snape. The older sneered at the door opening by itself, then turned around and signalled at Harry to follow. Harry hurried to obey until they reached Hog's Head Inn. Professor Snape nodded at the Innkeeper and put a few coins on a cup by the fireplace before throwing floo powder into the fireplace. Harry immediately stood beside the older, who pulled Harry close.

{Malfoy Manor.}

The two were thrown into the floo and eventually left in Malfoy Manor's floo room that Harry had used before in the past. The invisibility cloak was taken from Harry and the teen looked up at the Professor.

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