Chapter XXXII -Last Time-

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{Talking on the fireplace/Two-way mirror}


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXXII

–Last Time–

Thursday, 31 August 1995


Harry woke up with a massive kiss. He opened his eyes to find Voldemort before him, kissing him hard.

"What's the motive of the celebration?" He asked drowsily.

"The time-travel has stopped. You are in my timeline now." The older offered and leaned over Harry on the bed, before reclaiming Harry's lips. They only departed when they heard a pop. "Winky, I swear that if you interrupt us right now that I will ship you into the other side of the world on an errand with no way of you being able to complete it ever."

"But pregnancy, Master."

"I can do love making, Winky. I just can't do sex." Harry argued. "Healer Dolohov already gave me that talk and Tom knows better than to overwhelm me with his magic since he knows of the pregnancy."

There's a long moment and then they heard her popping away.

"She is so going to whine to Antonin right now." Tom grumbled.

"What did you expect?" Harry argued and then pulled the other down again into another kiss, now that he was fully awake, he realized that Tom had awakened in him a not so little issue that needed taking care of.


Harry was with Lady Alexa finishing packing the last things on his new bags.

"Your new books." The woman put in, putting them on the satchel which was bigger on the inside. "Won't it be strange to stop jumping in time?"

"It will be stranger to be with the known You Know Who inside Hogwarts' Grounds." Harry argued as he stored the old snake plush he'd once gifted Tommy in the duffel also bigger on the inside.

The old woman scoffed amused.

"Harry, dear?" She asked and Harry hummed as he looked through the things he wouldn't be taking to Hogwarts for the fourth-time to be sure that there wasn't anything he wanted to bring with him. "I know that it's been only a month and half and that before this you didn't have any good memories of family, but... I'd really like that you would start calling me Mother, even if not Mum, instead of Lady Alexa."

Harry froze as he tensed and then turned slowly towards the elder and silver-haired woman.


"I know that after your relatives' abuse it's hard and that you love James and Lily very much. I'm not replacing them. And I know that I look more your grandmother than mother, but..."

"Mother." Lady Alexa stopped in her tirade and looked back confused at the interruption, before Harry approached her and hugged her. "Thank you for wanting to be my family, Mother."

Mother Alexa choked back a hiccup and then held Harry close, both trying to withhold their own tears.


Thursday, 31 August 1995


Voldemort was reading a letter delivered to him by a Phoenix, when suddenly his Serpens popped in before him while holding Alexa. He looked up from his letter at the two and then scoffed amused.

"We are in the same timeline and the same house." He argued.

The two released each other and Voldemort frowned at realizing that they had been crying.

"Guess Lady Magic wanted to do it one last time." Serpens argued embarrassed. "Why can I travel with Mother, but I could never travel with you?"

"If you could travel with me you wouldn't need to keep traveling back." The Dark Lord argued, not commenting on the wording. So that's why the two had been crying... Harry had finally accepted Jeremiah and Alexa as a family and not just as a claim on paper. "By the way, Alexa. I hope you don't mind that I don't start calling you mother as well."

The other two choked and in no time the three started laughing.


Careful with the Coronavirus everyone.

Question: Time-travel part is done. Should I separate into two different fics? End here this and make the next part of the story on a new one? Or keep on this same fic to the point of plenty more chapters?


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